What are you listening to right now ?

We'll all be better than our Dads until we are not. :LOL: Mine left at 10. Here you go Mom and 3 kids, I was
the sole breadwinner, but you all will figure it out on your own, because I met this woman 10 years
younger than "Mom" at the Bar. We are going to have a new life together. :idk

I still think the "Bumbling Dad" stereotype was/is a thing in our culture. Homer is not an absent
ass, but he ain't in MENSA either. And poor Ted Bundy selling women's shoes. I bet his was a serial killer
and we never found out about it on the show. :LOL:

A lot of Men/Dads deserve a bad rap. Spare no skin on them. A lot of others are pulling heavy duty in a
multitude of ways, and I am not sure those guys always get the credit they deserve.... because of the profound
undermining of authourity and respect in our culture at present.

Like a lot of relationships, "It is complicated" seems to apply.

We all probably could use some therapy at some point in our lives. :hugitout
The Geetar man from Montreal Quebec
Steve Vai "Frank is a very powerful performer and was an inspiration to me at a very critical time in my musical evolution"

Every time I listen to this song, it reminds me of how much I'd have loved to have been a fly on the wall during its writing process. 'Epic' doesn't even begin to describe it. The different tonalities- whole tone, harmonic minor, major, diminished..., the jazzy part..., it's a smorgasbord of musicality all brought together as only DT can. An orchestra, a flute solo that sounds just like what JP would've wrote, and that French Horn at the end is so fittingly perfect. And I love how the very end of the song completes the cycle of starting each of their past few albums with the ending of the previous release, by finishing out with the initial sounds of the opening track. Just, Wow!


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