What are you listening to right now ?

I think the Bumbling Dad on sitcoms (Homer Simpson, Hank Hill, Ted Bundy, Peter from Family Guy) in the past 30 years
has had a terrible impact on how Dad's are perceived culturally. But that's ok. Because most of us know what's up, and
that doesn't stop a whole damn bunch of us from kicking ass, providing, protecting, and doing all the things non-sitcom/cartoon
Dads do every motherfucking day of the week for years on end, whether we get respect and appreciation for it or not.

I think the Bumbling Dad on sitcoms (Homer Simpson, Hank Hill, Ted Bundy, Peter from Family Guy) in the past 30 years
has had a terrible impact on how Dad's are perceived culturally. But that's ok. Because most of us know what's up, and
that doesn't stop a whole damn bunch of us from kicking ass, providing, protecting, and doing all the things non-sitcom/cartoon
Dads do every motherfucking day of the week for years on end, whether we get respect and appreciation for it or not.

Well said. Cheers brother!
My kids are approaching 30 and I figure it’s still a couple years away

When did you revert back to knowing that your dad was right?

I have a 74 year old Sicilian friend who fits all the male Sicilian stereotypes to a "T."

He says of his kids and being a Dad, "They have their had up their ass until about 25, and then it is only
half way up their ass. By 35, if you are lucky, it will be fully extracted."


I am sure there are exceptions to that rule.


this is Def a song i will be learning and covering
that Randal tone is insane, and ill have to figure out how to do it in the FM9
maybe start with the Ecstasy :idk
will be challenging
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It's so easy to pick on "Dad" until you grow up and realize he was pretty much right about everything. :beer

Ya’ll haven’t met my dad.

Hahahah if I listened to him I would have quit playing music about a year into it and lived with the “fact” that I’m “disorganized, can’t hold my attention very long, am not good at fixing things and have zero financial sensibilities”……and considering what I do for work that requires ALL of that, dad’s full of sh*t. :rofl
Men and our fathers. As old as time itself.

Wonder what my kids are thinking right about now …

Darth Vader Father GIF by Star Wars
Mine was smart, really smart, but he was too busy all through my parents' marriage out chasing tail to impart much good parenting to me. He disciplined out of anger/annoyance ("Children should be seen, not heard"), and was emotionally and sometimes physically abusive. And the stories I later learned about what he did to my mother I cannot repeat. The few things I can remember that he did teach me were very good, just not enough of them. And he was extremely overprotective, without ever explaining why, so I grew to hate him.

So when they divorced when I was 16, I found all this new-found freedom, since my mother was overwhelmed with 3 kids, and I started partying and acting out towards my younger sister & brother, essentially modelling what I had seen and absorbed from him growing up, and she ended up kicking me out well before I had the life skills I needed to be an adult.

Maybe this is all TMI, but I feel I'm among friends. And even though I understand we have to own our issues, I blame both of them for the struggles I've had in life, of which at 59, I'm still dealing with. I'll stop there, other than to say I'll never say my parents were 'right after all.' I will however admit they did the best they were capable of, with what they had to deal with growing up, but unfortunately I've had a really rocky road because of all of it.

"The sins of the fathers are visited upon the sons and daughters to the third and fourth generations."
Mine was smart, really smart, but he was too busy all through my parents' marriage out chasing tail to impart much good parenting to me. He disciplined out of anger/annoyance ("Children should be seen, not heard"), and was emotionally and sometimes physically abusive. And the stories I later learned about what he did to my mother I cannot repeat. The few things I can remember that he did teach me were very good, just not enough of them. And he was extremely overprotective, without ever explaining why, so I grew to hate him.

So when they divorced when I was 16, I found all this new-found freedom, since my mother was overwhelmed with 3 kids, and I started partying and acting out towards my younger sister & brother, essentially modelling what I had seen and absorbed from him growing up, and she ended up kicking me out well before I had the life skills I needed to be an adult.

Maybe this is all TMI, but I feel I'm among friends. And even though I understand we have to own our issues, I blame both of them for the struggles I've had in life, of which at 59, I'm still dealing with. I'll stop there, other than to say I'll never say my parents were 'right after all.' I will however admit they did the best they were capable of, with what they had to deal with growing up, but unfortunately I've had a really rocky road because of all of it.

"The sins of the fathers are visited upon the sons and daughters to the third and fourth generations."
You are preaching to a choir in this regard. Not sure how what are we listening to got around to this :bagbut mojo sent and I get you 100%.
I’ll just leave this here… Do with it what you wish…

It took me 59 years to forgive my father. We haven’t spoken in decades, and probably never will again. He wouldn’t know.

It was one of the most refreshing thoughts I ever had in my entire life.

Here is someone else with a poignant perspective.

I hope to hug him up in heaven someday
I posted another song from this dude last week, still not sure if he’s doing all this on his own or what the deal is but it’s another ear worm.

And this song is one of my favorite songs of all time, just glorious harmonies, dynamics and then that badass countermelody at the end.
