Welcome, newcomers!

Dill pickles or sweet pickles?
Ummmm neither

Deutschland 83 Running GIF by SundanceTV
I’ve been lurking here for the last few months and thought it’s time to say hi. You all have some great discussions and I love that most don’t seem to take things too seriously. It’s a very welcome change of pace to TOP.

Been on a bit of a pedalboard and modeler journey over the last couple of years to accomodate young family volume constraints, and have ended up with a Stomp. I wished that was where I started—it’s honestly one of the best gear purchases I’ve made.

Looking forward to joining in the discussion and dishing out a few gifs.
Welcome to the forum. :beer
Ooops. I did not realize there is a welcome forum for new members. Thus we introduced ourselves in the Member´s Clips section. Apologize. Here it is again then, and in the right forum.

Greetings members

We are Tribe of Hofund and have just joined this forum and want to introduce ourselves,

Tribe of Hofund is a medieval/folk inspired electronic duo that consists of Gothi (synthesizers) and Peter Siegmund Wildling (guitars) from Denmark. We find inspiration in the voices of our ancestors in form of Nordic mythology and religion. We make use of acoustic guitar, synthesizers and samplers. We try to combine our training and interests in classical and mundane music of the past with the electronic sound of present and future. We use even as well as odd, compound and polyrhythmic meters besides from various composition techniques often inspired by renaissance and pagan polyphony. We look forward to meet you and not at least hear your doings in this music sub-forum as well as share our own.

Here is an illustrative example of our work.

If it is for you, check out our Soundcloud for more.

Freya's peace and happy music making
Gothi and Peter
Ermm…double oops. I did not get that this forum is very guitar focused either. My bandmate is a classical guitar player, but I am just a keyplayer and percussionist, hope that is okay with you. Apart from that, this site seems like a nice, cosy and active little community. Like to browse around so far.

Ermm…double oops. I did not get that this forum is very guitar focused either. My bandmate is a classical guitar player, but I am just a keyplayer and percussionist, hope that is okay with you. Apart from that, this site seems like a nice, cosy and active little community. Like to browse around so far.


Don’t let that discourage you. We actually have a few drummers and keyboard players here. There’s a Synth sub-forum. Maybe the mods can add a percussion sub-forum.
Best show ever! :LOL:

I didn't toss my guitar, but had a drummer pass out mid song one time
on a New Year's Eve gig. It was a hometown gig and he had too many
people he knew buying him shots all night. I was just proud he hung
on until the last set. He was trying to hold it together until he fell face
first into his own kit and brought the show to a screeching halt. It was
epic and everyone loved it. :beer

No one has good meter when our motor skills are forced to swim in
too much Alcohol. :guiness