Virtual Rigs for Live performance


I used to use real amps & speaker cabs, but switched years ago to using modelers & "FRFR" monitoring or just direct to FOH with floor monitors or in-ears for performing. Part of the reason I switched was to have a all-in-one portable, repeatible & reliable amp/effects setup, but also switching to using modelers was an attempt to reduce the size & weight of gear I was schlepping around to gigs. In reality, what I am carrying around today isn't a lot smaller or lighter than before (big pedalboard with modeler & pedals, 2 "FRFR" cabs). It is a little lighter/smaller but not a huge difference.

Now I am thinking about trying to see if it's feasible to "Go all the way" and just use an iPad or laptop based rig running guitar sims & effects with a small MIDI foot controller as a gig rig. I am a complete babe in the woods on this and would be starting from the bottom. I do own some MAC/PC & iPad based guitar sims (S-Gear, Neural DSP, Helix Native, Overloud THU, and a few others), but I've never used them live or controlled them with a MIDI controller.

Anyone out there doing this? For live performances?
Any tips, tricks, or advice to share?

What do you think of this? Good or bad idea? Practical / impractical? Pipe Dream? Fools errand?

If you have any experience doing this & have something to share, I'm all ears. :beer
I don’t see many things you gain compared to using a modeler….just complexity and risk cause you use methods that are not “the norm”.

What’s better about an iPad and a controller then a hardware unit?
What’s worse is…more cables to connect + unproven setup for live use…id rather carry 10kg then wire 3 more cables.

To me there are 3 levels of compactness when it comes to pedal boards, this helps me deciding if I really need to think about smaller/lighter…or maybe it doesn’t matter.

1 it fits a gigbag..then your looking at 3 knob units, maybe a QC
2 a board that you can carry with one hand….this allows a big range…in my mind it doesn’t matter if it’s 5 or 10 kg…as long as you can carry it with ease
3 non of the above…in other words…too big.

When you bring your own speakers…modeling isn’t lighter/more compact then traditional per se. Again…if a unit doesn’t break your back…does 2lbs and a couple of inches matter? I play modeler into returns of tube amps…stereo setup..15w amp and a 50 I can lift with a finger (stJames)..I can do 1 walk from the car with all my gear if I set my mind to it…or 2 super easy walks….do I really need smaller/lighter then that?
Thanks for your opinions on this. Right now I’m using an FM9 on a fairly large pedal train board with a few controller pedals. It’s great but I’m just getting weary of lugging it around, maybe more so for rehearsals than gigs.

I just happen to have some guitar sims and a relatively small interface and the thought struck me that I should try using those and see if it would be practical or not.
I’d still need a MIDI foot controller of some kind so can’t really get away from having hardware to replace the modelers for switching functions. Maybe I wouldn’t gain much in the long run.

I may get a small inexpensive controller and try it out at home just to satisfy my curiosity, but maybe a smaller modeler would be better as suggested earlier.
Thanks for your opinions on this. Right now I’m using an FM9 on a fairly large pedal train board with a few controller pedals. It’s great but I’m just getting weary of lugging it around, maybe more so for rehearsals than gigs.

I just happen to have some guitar sims and a relatively small interface and the thought struck me that I should try using those and see if it would be practical or not.
I’d still need a MIDI foot controller of some kind so can’t really get away from having hardware to replace the modelers for switching functions. Maybe I wouldn’t gain much in the long run.

I may get a small inexpensive controller and try it out at home just to satisfy my curiosity, but maybe a smaller modeler would be better as suggested earlier.
The struggle is real ;)….very familiar to it.
There’s also a silly component in it (100% self assessment ;))), I Kemper toaster and controller is one bag…still I’m spending time and a s… load of money to get some thing that fits a gigbag. 1st world problem for people who don’t wanna deal with real ones ;)

Anyway..on my path to it were / is:

- Conclusion that compromising sound/function is acceptable in the planning stage…but ends up in the small rig collecting dust and I’m taki)g the main rig anyway….so I’m trying to leave the path of A/B rig… maybe I’ll end up with A/A++ rig.
- Luminite midi controllers…small boxes + wireless controllers you stick to your guitar. Saves footprint of midicocntrollers and expression pedals. Technically it works great…downsides…extra things to manage when you play more then 1 guitar, you need to charge them, and not 100% used to them…so I missclick every now and then. Maybe it’s a nice option for your experiment with iPad/vst
- QC is the most compact unit out there with high quality sound/function. Currently have one in the return window…was gonna return it cause the time efx don’t do what I want….atm i marching towards QC+1 delay pedal. If Kemper player had had all efx Kemper offers, I would have gone for that together with the Luminite stuff…unfortunately they choked the efx…
- 3knob modeler + midicontroller could nice middleground if you find a way to add/remove the controller easily…so you have 1 brain you can toggle between big/small rig. Would changing to Fm3 + controller be an option?
- I’m gonna make a seperate board (rather a piece of ply) for my expression pedals (3), so those become optional.
- if there’s expression pedals that end up in 2 settings all the time anyway…ctlrknob pedal is something to look into maybe…reduces footprint.