Most Unique Gig/Performance/Location -- Share Your Story!

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When I was younger, I had the opportunity to play music all over the Mediterranean, which included the North Coast of Africa, which includes Egypt. Also had a chance to gain access to the countries that surround the Black Sea, including but not limited to, Ukraine, Bulgaria, and Romania.

This afforded me, at a real young age, the perspective of just how impactful western rock music had affected the wider world. This also allowed me some very unique insight into the worlds and culture that surrounded me, making me a better person.

I was in the U.S. Navy at the time, stationed aboard the USS Kauffman FFG- 59, based out of the home port of Norfolk, VA.

I was in my last year of active duty enlistment, and on my second sea deployment. I had grown bored of partying in port and wasting my cash in bars. I decided to start a band on the ship, and the ship purchased us a PA....and we were obligated to play 2 official party's, in uniform, for the support.

I left my ATM card at home, and saved a chunk of cash. Got to get out of duties I hated, and had the support of the ships senior officers....I was geeked.

Well we played in almost every port we moored in, usually for free drinks and a packed house. Some went great, others not so much...due to a host of issues. But we were a tight self contained unit. Had our own hand made transformers that we plugged into, gotta love those ET, and IC rates!!! Also had our pa, and all the mics ... everything was thought of.

My most unique event happened purely by accident, and built by word of mouth, in the manner of minutes ...and kind of created an issue for the port of Odessa, Ukraine while we were there.

We had a massive party on a dutch vessel, and we needed to practice, but the helicopter hanger was full. So we decided to practice on the flight deck of our ship, which could be openly viewed from above, via the observation level .. so people would gather to look around and just walk.

We had finished the first song, sweet emotion, and looked up to see several hundred people clapping and cheering.

We looked at each other and kind of had an oh shit moment....well, we gotta practice anyway, fuck it , right?

We then go into dead or alive, and shit hit the fan. By the end of that song there was close to 1000 people, and they were losing in...and they started slowly making their way down towards the ship....crap.

By the time we finished Baba O'Reilly....I lost the ability to think straight and had to focus on my guitar, because I was totally jazzed. There was a line of people 3 wide...all the way up the steps, up to the observation deck...and more were coming, and they wanted to meet us. Shit.

I am not claiming we killed it, because we were just amateurs and we didn't have massive sound reinforcement...but this was insane. People loved the music, Western rock, so much they just were overwhelmed. It blew my mind.

After the practice, with much anxiety, we had to open the ship to them, just so we could get them out of there. It went well, all behaved themselves and the daily ship tours became quite popular there.

This was 99-00, We were there for a month off and on, during one of the top Euro football tournaments....I want to say the euro cup🤷🏻‍♂️
I remember being in the dutch ship when something big happened for them. And that's when I learned how hard they party!!!😝

Anyway, do you have a memorable/unique gig/location/venue you would like to share?

Let's hear it!!!!
The first similar story that came to mind was in high school; our school marching band went to Taiwan and a bunch of the jazz band was also in the marching band, so while we were there they arranged some jazz combo performances for us to play.

I remember playing in the middle of a mall somewhere in Taipei. We set up in a big open area in the middle of the mall and people started flocking to the stage. The whole area around us was packed and there were people leaning over the railings on all the upper floors. It was just solid people everywhere I could see and they were all really excited and into it.

I remember all these girls coming up and touching me and running away giggling and some braver ones wanting pictures with me, haha. It was the most I’d ever felt like some sort of rock star :rofl
I played two artist/squatter communes in the Netherlands. One was right smack in the middle of Rotterdam, which was cool but there was nothing terribly unique about it other than that. The other was in Maastricht and was amazing. The building was giant, there were giant steel sculptures of dragons hidden behind large trees outside. Art all over the inside. The gig was wild as hell.

Another place that comes to mind was a former Roma caravan in Germany that had been made into a venue. The venue was a proper stage. We slept in a retired caravan.
Well these stories are not really my "gigs" or "performances", but on a couple of occasions, me dancing did turn into a performance of sorts ;~))

I "met" Prince 4 times and on two of those occasions he stopped to watch ME dance ;~)) The first time was at "The Celebration" in 2001. Every year he held an event called "The Celebration" at Paisley Park near Minneapolis (technically this was his birthday party every year, but I believe all proceeds went to charity, including the children's hospital that ended up getting built a block away from Paisley Park based on what I know). It was often a week long event, and there were tours, concerts, games even classes, all 7 days, all day and night. The stage would sometimes not shut down until 5 am, even later! In addition, he would usually do a couple of shows at the Target Center or another large venue during that week. In 2001, I was able to attend "The Celebration" while on one of my cross country motorcycle tours and I met him and some other incredible people. During that week, the first time I met him was in the main stage area (picture 50 foot ceiling with enough room for 10 basketball courts). He was standing on the back wall talking to some folks. I walked up and stopped about 10 feet shy of him to patiently wait for an audience with his majesty. One of his security guards rushed up on me and said "Don't you see he is talking to somebody?". I said "Yes, I do, that is why I paused where I did.". Prince I think heard the whole thing, boldly stepped towards me, put his hand out for a shake and I obliged. I thanked him for sharing his space with his admirers (some say fans, I hate that word as much as he did). I then bowed and while bowed, took a few steps back then turned and walked away (I know, should not have turned my back to him). So that was number one "meet", but at the same event ("The Celebration" in 2001 but a couple days later) Maceo Parker and his band were on stage and they were FUNKIN' it up (during this event he would have dozens of bands playing day and night and Maceo did NOT disappoint). There was maybe 200 people in that whole room (could have held 5,000 I would guess). There was about 40 people dancing right in front of the stage, then 50 feet on either side of those folks were the L/R PA systems (I would guess 20 ft high, 20 ft wide for each side). Now I LOVE to dance, and I LOVE to feel the pushed airwaves from huge sets of speakers (just ask my ears, I wanna feel my muscles move from the soundwaves, not just flapping cuffs), so I was way on the side of the stage dancing in front of the PA system with nobody within 50 ft of me. Just doin' my thing (I need my space to do my magic on the floor)! After about 15 minutes, I start noticing this HOT chick behind the soundboard just staring at me! It was me or the PA system she was staring at! Did not know who she was, and did not really care to be honest as I was certain she was out of my league, and still is ;~)) So she is watching me dance for a good 10 minutes and then suddenly, she and Prince are walking directly towards me attached at the hip, arm in arm! They get to within about 15 feet of me, and they take a sharp right turn. Walk about 20 feet and lean up against a wall, with both of them staring directly at me while I dance. Once again, it was me or the PA they were staring at, because there was nothing else within 50ft of me. I "believe" it was about 5 minutes that they watched me dance. It was probably more like 3 or something, but it felt like an eternity. My mind is racing to think about moves I have not done yet, "do I try something new?" and other thoughts racing through my head. I really got to a point that I wished they would stop looking at me, but I just carried on with the best I had! Eventually, they got their back up off the wall and walked right towards me again, as they got about 4 feet away from me, Prince made a gun hand gesture toward me and winked. I obliged with a drop to the floor as I spun 360 and came back up at him with two gun hand gestures and a wink and that was the end of it! They continued walking back stage and I did not see him again at this event! He did not offer me a job, so I guess I did not pass the audition ;~(( But one of the greatest entertainers to ever live literally took minutes out of his life to watch ME dance, which gives me great joy to know that I could capture the attention of such a superstar with MY dance moves!

Fast forward about 5.5 years, he does the same thing to me at his residency in Las Vegas at the Rio Hotel (once again while I was dancing like a fool, all by myself - I was there with a girl, but we were not a couple and she was a good 8 feet away from me during this encounter)! He only watched me for 10 seconds this time but I think he remembered me based on some of my "unique" moves ;~)) He had come to the back of the room (probably bit larger than a football field) and sat in the booth directly below my VIP booth. I was the ONLY VIP booth occupied that evening, and it was dead center, elevated above the dance floor. After he sits there for 10 minutes or so (I could not see him unless I were to peek over the railing which I did not do out of respect, plus, I was busy dancing), he jumps up on the seat of that booth and he is facing me. The girl I was with rushed forward and reached out to try and touch him, and a security guard slapped her hand away. He and I locked eyes, chuckled a bit at her over-zealousness, then he gave me that gun hand gesture and wink, jumped down and headed back up to the stage. Later that evening, I had dinner in the venue's (3121) attached jazz club and he came around to each table and shook everyone's hand. It maybe held 50 people so that did not take him long ;~))

So that is the closest thing I have to 15 minutes of fame or unique "performance"! But I am not even 100 years old yet, so plenty more lies ahead I am sure ;~))
Well these stories are not really my "gigs" or "performances", but on a couple of occasions, me dancing did turn into a performance of sorts ;~))

I "met" Prince 4 times and on two of those occasions he stopped to watch ME dance ;~)) The first time was at "The Celebration" in 2001. Every year he held an event called "The Celebration" at Paisley Park near Minneapolis (technically this was his birthday party every year, but I believe all proceeds went to charity, including the children's hospital that ended up getting built a block away from Paisley Park based on what I know). It was often a week long event, and there were tours, concerts, games even classes, all 7 days, all day and night. The stage would sometimes not shut down until 5 am, even later! In addition, he would usually do a couple of shows at the Target Center or another large venue during that week. In 2001, I was able to attend "The Celebration" while on one of my cross country motorcycle tours and I met him and some other incredible people. During that week, the first time I met him was in the main stage area (picture 50 foot ceiling with enough room for 10 basketball courts). He was standing on the back wall talking to some folks. I walked up and stopped about 10 feet shy of him to patiently wait for an audience with his majesty. One of his security guards rushed up on me and said "Don't you see he is talking to somebody?". I said "Yes, I do, that is why I paused where I did.". Prince I think heard the whole thing, boldly stepped towards me, put his hand out for a shake and I obliged. I thanked him for sharing his space with his admirers (some say fans, I hate that word as much as he did). I then bowed and while bowed, took a few steps back then turned and walked away (I know, should not have turned my back to him). So that was number one "meet", but at the same event ("The Celebration" in 2001 but a couple days later) Maceo Parker and his band were on stage and they were FUNKIN' it up (during this event he would have dozens of bands playing day and night and Maceo did NOT disappoint). There was maybe 200 people in that whole room (could have held 5,000 I would guess). There was about 40 people dancing right in front of the stage, then 50 feet on either side of those folks were the L/R PA systems (I would guess 20 ft high, 20 ft wide for each side). Now I LOVE to dance, and I LOVE to feel the pushed airwaves from huge sets of speakers (just ask my ears, I wanna feel my muscles move from the soundwaves, not just flapping cuffs), so I was way on the side of the stage dancing in front of the PA system with nobody within 50 ft of me. Just doin' my thing (I need my space to do my magic on the floor)! After about 15 minutes, I start noticing this HOT chick behind the soundboard just staring at me! It was me or the PA system she was staring at! Did not know who she was, and did not really care to be honest as I was certain she was out of my league, and still is ;~)) So she is watching me dance for a good 10 minutes and then suddenly, she and Prince are walking directly towards me attached at the hip, arm in arm! They get to within about 15 feet of me, and they take a sharp right turn. Walk about 20 feet and lean up against a wall, with both of them staring directly at me while I dance. Once again, it was me or the PA they were staring at, because there was nothing else within 50ft of me. I "believe" it was about 5 minutes that they watched me dance. It was probably more like 3 or something, but it felt like an eternity. My mind is racing to think about moves I have not done yet, "do I try something new?" and other thoughts racing through my head. I really got to a point that I wished they would stop looking at me, but I just carried on with the best I had! Eventually, they got their back up off the wall and walked right towards me again, as they got about 4 feet away from me, Prince made a gun hand gesture toward me and winked. I obliged with a drop to the floor as I spun 360 and came back up at him with two gun hand gestures and a wink and that was the end of it! They continued walking back stage and I did not see him again at this event! He did not offer me a job, so I guess I did not pass the audition ;~(( But one of the greatest entertainers to ever live literally took minutes out of his life to watch ME dance, which gives me great joy to know that I could capture the attention of such a superstar with MY dance moves!

Fast forward about 5.5 years, he does the same thing to me at his residency in Las Vegas at the Rio Hotel (once again while I was dancing like a fool, all by myself - I was there with a girl, but we were not a couple and she was a good 8 feet away from me during this encounter)! He only watched me for 10 seconds this time but I think he remembered me based on some of my "unique" moves ;~)) He had come to the back of the room (probably bit larger than a football field) and sat in the booth directly below my VIP booth. I was the ONLY VIP booth occupied that evening, and it was dead center, elevated above the dance floor. After he sits there for 10 minutes or so (I could not see him unless I were to peek over the railing which I did not do out of respect, plus, I was busy dancing), he jumps up on the seat of that booth and he is facing me. The girl I was with rushed forward and reached out to try and touch him, and a security guard slapped her hand away. He and I locked eyes, chuckled a bit at her over-zealousness, then he gave me that gun hand gesture and wink, jumped down and headed back up to the stage. Later that evening, I had dinner in the venue's (3121) attached jazz club and he came around to each table and shook everyone's hand. It maybe held 50 people so that did not take him long ;~))

So that is the closest thing I have to 15 minutes of fame or unique "performance"! But I am not even 100 years old yet, so plenty more lies ahead I am sure ;~))
The first one that comes to mind as the standout was the night I got the bug for playing live. Big ass keg party on a farm in Maine in the boonies. I was 17, it was a few weeks before my Senior year of HS. We set up in front of a barn, they built us a pretty nice stage and in front of us was a dirt lot/driveway. First set is pretty tame, people are still showing up, not much going on. Then we break for 30 mins and the people start piling in.

We were doing a ton of random covers, hobbled together setlist of everything and anything we knew, Blink182 to Megadeth. I see there’s maybe 20 people waiting for us to start, put my guitar on and start the opening lick of Blink182’s “Damnit”, by the time the whole band came in all I could see in front of me was a dirt cloud with arms and legs poking out. That 20 people jumped to what seemed like 200 in an instant.

For the next two hours that crowd treated us like we were the biggest band on the planet. The whole lot filled in with people and any nerves I had were so far gone at this point, it was the first time I ever just went for it onstage and let myself get into the music while doing every Vai guitar trick I could pull out my ass. We take another set break and everyone is handing me joints, shots, beers, I end up with this beautiful chick (who thought I was 21) stuck to my side who sat on my 4x12 the rest of the night, it was everything a teenage rockstar wannabe ever wanted to experience.

The most interesting venue though, was this joint down here in Ft. Lauderdale that no longer exits, Ice Bar. It had a horseshoe shaped bar that made up half the stage and was made of frosted glass, which we thought was plexiglass until the owner was freaking the fuck out telling us not to step on it. At some point my singer and I got sick of trying to stick to the 3 feet of space we had and just started walking on the glass with me doing my foot stomp to the downbeat where I pick my leg straight up in front of me, bent at the knee, then slam it down as hard as I can. Bar owner is spazzzzzzing out. Nothing even broke but he tried to skip out on paying us and told us we were banned, which we just used to promote ourselves in the future “Ice House’s #1 banned band!” :rofl