It happened.
Defeated Castle Morne! (Sorta)
I was feeling frisky and graced past the giant dude at the entrance at the lift. I took two losses to the swarm of dudes by the fire, but I figured out how to not have the entire group attack by fighting the dudes on fringes first. Wolf summon a big help. Was able to work my way through the castle methodically. Found the grace on the rear of the castle and took a death on a bad jump on the back of the castle, but finally made it down to ground level and fought off those obnoxious rat bastards to get outside and find the myst portal. The Begotten boss I got about 20% of his health down on the first pass, but he managed to wedge between the wolves and me and caught me by surprise with the triple spin sword crap. I was going to throw in the towel, that fight didn’t go well and the game intimidates me, but my son was like “FIGHT HIM AGAIN”. Back we go. Wolves summoned. Go time.
A complete ass whipping ensued. The perfect pairing of man and wolf, working together to rid the world of evil. The wolves stayed in a perfect formation, I wheeled around to the side, and they were getting in his ass while I was spamming RT from an angle. I only had to block and counter twice in the entire fight.
We did it boys. We did it.
I got some fancy greatsword from the boss, but that requires 40 strength and a bunch of dex. Got a talisman of some sort and an ash too throughout the castle. Also got my smithing #2’s in there, so I was able to go back to Elleh and level up my endurance and then flip to the rountable and boost my Claymore to +4. Met a new NPC at the rountable that offered to teach me incantations, but I didn’t take him up on it yet, because I wanted to boost my Claymore with those runes.
Tomorrow, the giant bastard guarding the entrance has a date with death.