I was making NAM captures of my Frankenstein Plexi 50W amp and went VH-tone chasing while working on them.
I was rewatching a Pete Thorn video in which he loaded up a cab with a mix of JBL D120 and Blackback speakers for VH I tones. I tried to do the same with IRs and made substitutions with York Audio IRs of the D120 Twin cab and Greenback 4x12 cab libraries.
I thought I got in the ballpark, but am curious to see what you think. I figured that you all probably own these IR libraries and can try mixing them yourselves.
NAM captures: https://tonehunt.org/OutmodedElectr...avfx3gyuj9ryD3T3MfRabB1pS7V_PHFA0eCw16lP725sA
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