Tonex Pedal....It's REAL

Thing is, you can obviously use the unit in a much simpler way. After all there's at least lots of exposed knobs, which I like. So you could touch them all once and be in WYSIWYG land - right up my alley (I'm using the AFB and AA exactly that way, fortunately no knob touching is needed at least for the AFB). But in that case, a metric ton of space would be wasted.

And as said, in standalone mode, that thing would barely be suitable to take me to any average gig.
For me it's neither fish nor meat (as we say over here).

Still, it certainly scores through sound quality and price (ok, we will actually have to wait for a verdict re: sound quality).
Ah, laxu and you are right. I was being curmudgeonly, I see how you wouldn't have to menu dive with most of its features.
Agreed it’s not just the Tech it’s the price points they are setting up
That’s going to be tough even if Neural future plans include something similar like a capture box it’s highly unlikely they will get close to $500
The other part if true is these are being built in Italy like the AXE I/0
That’s an impressive price point to hit really

It's most likely "assembled in Italy" in the same way e.g QC is assembled in Finland. Board probably come pretty much pre-populated from China so it's just putting it all together, testing etc. Nothing wrong with that of course.

The main thing I'm worried about is the software side. ToneX app is just not nice to use. Everything in it might as well be mystery meat because if you search for a Marshall, the only differentiator between several captures is the capture name, which is just something silly and not at all descriptive.
I posted Micah's shared pic up at TGP and Scott told me it was taken down because:

Hm, why would IK do that?
Serious question because, I mean, that sort of hype and speculation is exactly what it takes to raise GAS, isn't it? Unless the leak is largely based on false things, in which case I would perfectly understand it.
Hm, why would IK do that?
Serious question because, I mean, that sort of hype and speculation is exactly what it takes to raise GAS, isn't it? Unless the leak is largely based on false things, in which case I would perfectly understand it.

Marketing departments usually have huge detailed multi-region release plans and "exclusives" that revolve around the buzz all being generated and accentuated at the right moment. The hype train must leave the station at the agreed time. I'd guess that they don't want people messing up those plans 🤷‍♂️
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Seems really intriguing and would be fun to play with even though I don’t need it. But alas - I just bought Jellodog’s FM3, LOL, so no budget left for this at the moment. Haha.
When I give this ToneX pedal any serious thought, the first thing that gets in my head is, "But that's almost halfway to an FM3!" I think you made the right choice. :)
Marketing departments usually have huge detailed multi-region release plans and "exclusives" that revolve around the buzz all being generated and accentuated at the right moment. The hype train must leave the station at the agreed time. I'd guess that they don't want people messing up those plans

Yeah well, true. But still, some pre-hype often enough really triggers GAS. Remember the KPA release? Ok, there's been no leaks about the form but plenty of the functionality was leaked just the way it turned out to be.
Marketing departments usually have huge detailed multi-region release plans and "exclusives" that revolve around the buzz all being generated and accentuated at the right moment. The hype train must leave the station at the agreed time. I'd guess that they don't want people messing up those plans 🤷‍♂️
I posted Micah's shared pic up at TGP and Scott told me it was taken down because:
they have dodged a bullet for today
But they still have Mitch @Sweetwater that could prove to be a strong adversary to keeping it under wraps
I'd be willing to bet that even if it were completely fabricated that IK is still planning on jamming the ToneX functionality into an X-pedal enclosure. It's a pretty logical step for them.
But if it was fabricated, and IK was hoping to sell a ToneX pedal for $800, someone just pulled the rug out from under them. :rofl

(I don't think it was fabricated, for the record.)
an FM3!" I think you made the right choice. :)
