Tonex Pedal....It's REAL


Not convinced by all the "b" word being thrown around. Great, yes. Convenient, totally. Tones for days, seems so. This is a cool little box. A big part of the allure of analog is the objective realization that granular level tweakability has not resulted in better music, or in better tone. Most of the time digital tone-questers are grappling with achieving legacy tones, not new sounds.

And those tones are there. My guess is that Cliff and Christoph and Digital Igloo have for decades humored the internet brain trust, when it's clear that from early days, in the right hands, each of their inspired products have been capable, at least where actually making music is concerned.

Now it's ToneX. It's so easy to criticize. And when I read that JT is exasperated, I'm confident that I'd be pulling my hair out of my head, at least to start with. But .. so what.

Whizzinby's initial response to all the complaining rings true to me. I've never read a post from someone on the internet that made me wish that person was running r&d for any of these companies. (I reserve special status for NDSP, since the vitriolic discourse and perception of deceit surrounding its product launch created a sense of an adversarial relationship with its customers.)

A thing doesn't have to be perfect, just great for making music. ToneX deserves more celebration and less advice. Price size and functionality are insane. If it's reliable, then this is a golden launch. Make it work. Embrace its limitations, enjoy its evolution, and things usually do get better® when you least expect it, while you were busy making music.
Either that, or finding screws that match the profile of the screws that hold the bottom plates in place, then replace two of those (per box) with long screws that attach to the boxes through a board.
Your opinion might vary, but I'd be afraid with a completely crooked-looking board, where nothing lines up the way it should.
If there's documented evidence of someone on a forum mapping out how something should be, and then the manufacturer responding Hey yeah, thanks we'll do that ... I haven't read it.


See all the “Implemented” boxes? That’s exactly what that is. Actually, I’ve seen @laxu post stuff on non-Fractal forums that Cliff added to the unit, making it even closer to what you’re describing rather than a Wish List forum.

That said, I get your point and agree with some of it, but no one makes the perfect device and suggestions only help get it that way. While I do find the griping about some stuff to be a little daft, when it comes to UI and stuff that can be done to make the user experience better, there’s almost always going to be room for improvement that the designers didn’t think of but the users do because they’re using the device regularly and in random environments.
The greatest products emerge from renegade visions .. Amplitube has been on a path for decades, since I'm guessing it was someone in a bedroom coding, like the rest of these folks. Line 6 .. defining a public possibility that any of this was even viable .. Fractal .. the sheer force of one man's compulsion .. Kemper, another original fighting a perception that a great idea was zany .. these were not innovations resultant of committee. Definitely not open source culture.

All that isn't remotely in contrast to what I've said.
All I'm saying is that stupid decisions need to be criticized clear and loud (and repeatedly, if required).
Doesn't make a product less great, doesn't throw stones in any developers way or whatever - all it does is to help making the product better (and fwiw, I'm not just criticizing, I'm very well able to think of alternatives).
If there's documented evidence of someone on a forum mapping out how something should be, and then the manufacturer responding Hey yeah, thanks we'll do that ... I haven't read it.
You just described nearly the entire development of REAPER. The REAPER forum IS that document....Of course its not done usually EXACTLY as posted in the forum ,but as close as can be to achieve the actual aims the poster was after
Haha so you think that someone on the internet told a manufacturer that spillover was a good idea?

I can't tell if the pipeline post before yours is a sarcastic post or not, but historically I'm sure glad that the people who made so many things that I love ignored most of the people around them telling them what or what not to do. That goes for pretty much everything. It doesn't mean I liked every single thing about all that stuff. I just don't get too hung-up on a delusion that I'm gonna get these folks to change their products.

When things are so subjectively off .. as people here are describing initial interactions with aspects of the software .. I have to assume that IK put way, way more thought in to this build than anyone taking shots at it. If something is obvious and doable, it's already planned for a future fw. Everyone knows there are calendars and staff and marketing considerations and various realities to contend with.

It's hard for me to believe that anyone here tapped these obsessive innovators and manufacturers' whose lives are these products on the shoulder and benevolently pointed-out the piece of toilet paper stuck to their software's heel. It's more like, Yeah we know it's there, and we don't have time to explain why at the moment ..

But there's always the chance that I'm wrong and these folks are taking notes because they hadn't thought of any of these brilliant observations.

If you’re going to cherry pick one obvious suggestion out of the 94 pages of feature request and base the rest of your post on it, I certainly won’t waste time any longer on this.