Tone X Capture Thread

Here are my captures so far:

Orange OR15 through a Mesa Lonestar 1x12 w/C90, mic’d with a Sennheiser e609:

Mesa Boogie Badlander 50 in Crunch mode, into Mesa’s Recto 4x12 IR:

FAS Triple Crest 2 into a Creamback IR (57+121):

Any special requests, before I start obnoxiously setting up Tone Capture Camp and capturing a bunch of amps? I’m probably going to lean more into amp DI caps for awhile, as it’s a lot easier to do right now.

We’ve got:

Recto Reborn
Mini Rec
Badlander 25, 50, 100
Rectoverb 25
Mark V:25 and 35 (out of VII’s right now, unfortunately)
Cali Tweed 20
Fillmore 25 and 50
Silver Jubilee Mini
Rocker Terror
Super Crush (this would be interesting, being an SS head)
A fucking Krank Rev1!
vintage Fender Silverface Showman (no idea how old; 60’s? 70’s? It’s OG)

My personal priority would be the Mesa shit, because…….Mesa.
Here are my captures so far:

Orange OR15 through a Mesa Lonestar 1x12 w/C90, mic’d with a Sennheiser e609:

Mesa Boogie Badlander 50 in Crunch mode, into Mesa’s Recto 4x12 IR:

FAS Triple Crest 2 into a Creamback IR (57+121):

Any special requests, before I start obnoxiously setting up Tone Capture Camp and capturing a bunch of amps? I’m probably going to lean more into amp DI caps for awhile, as it’s a lot easier to do right now.

We’ve got:

Recto Reborn
Mini Rec
Badlander 25, 50, 100
Rectoverb 25
Mark V:25 and 35 (out of VII’s right now, unfortunately)
Cali Tweed 20
Fillmore 25 and 50
Silver Jubilee Mini
Rocker Terror
Super Crush (this would be interesting, being an SS head)
A fucking Krank Rev1!
vintage Fender Silverface Showman (no idea how old; 60’s? 70’s? It’s OG)

My personal priority would be the Mesa shit, because…….Mesa.
what cabs do you have? my preference is always amp DI with a (hopefully nice 4x12) cab load, especially with Mesa stuff where they can be fussy about cabs.

Personally…. I’m keen for as many Badlander ones as possible 🙏
what cabs do you have? my preference is always amp DI with a (hopefully nice 4x12) cab load, especially with Mesa stuff where they can be fussy about cabs.

Personally…. I’m keen for as many Badlander ones as possible 🙏
I own three Mesa 1x12 Widebodys; two closed/ported, one open back (the Lonestar). However, I have access to everything they make, basically, as well as currently an old Sheffield-loaded Peavey, a Marshall 1960A, Orange 2x12 Horizontal, Orange 2x12 vert Neo Creamback, and some other odds and ends.

So it sounds like in your experience, even with DI caps using an applicable cabinet for load has a positive effect on the capture? That’s very good to know.
So it sounds like in your experience, even with DI caps using an applicable cabinet for load has a positive effect on the capture? That’s very good to know.
Yeah, it’ll vary amp to amp based on what kind of poweramp circuit they have. The less negative feedback the amp has, the more influence the load has. Rectifiers are particularly sensitive to this. Besides that, any load box is looking to replicate the behaviour of a real cabinet - if noise and space isn’t an issue then it makes most sense to capture the real thing. Sometimes it’s not a huge difference but for something like a profile or model, it’s well worth having it with no compromises
Yeah, it’ll vary amp to amp based on what kind of poweramp circuit they have. The less negative feedback the amp has, the more influence the load has. Rectifiers are particularly sensitive to this. Besides that, any load box is looking to replicate the behaviour of a real cabinet - if noise and space isn’t an issue then it makes most sense to capture the real thing. Sometimes it’s not a huge difference but for something like a profile or model, it’s well worth having it with no compromises
Yeah I agree. I just need to wait for my wife to go walk the dogs, so I can capture the OR15 in DI cap, because the first one with the cab+mic drove them apeshit. :rofl
if your DI has a pad, you can just use an unused speaker output (just make sure your cab is connected). A lot of amps have a slave/DI out tapped off the speaker jacks, it’ll be close to them if it’s from the poweramp rather than a preamp send
if your DI has a pad, you can just use an unused speaker output (just make sure your cab is connected). A lot of amps have a slave/DI out tapped off the speaker jacks, it’ll be close to them if it’s from the poweramp rather than a preamp send
If I ever get off my lazy ass and capture my Mark III, I was thinking about taking captures from my captor vs using the slave out (1960A as the load in both cases) to see if there’s a significant difference. I’ve been wondering about that recently. I also would be interested in capturing the same settings with different cab loads just to see how much of a difference is actually reflected in the captures. Seems like there’s lots of room for fun experimentation here.

I’m traveling next week, but @paisleywookiee is inspiring me to actually get the ball rolling on this this month.

I can get captures of:
- 2204 with various bright cap values
- 1959 with various bright cap values
- ‘80 1987
- Mesa Mark III Simul Class head
- Fryette Sig X
- Budda SuperDrive 18 head
- ‘78 Silverface Princeton Reverb
- ‘79 Silverface Deluxe Reverb
- 5e3

Also, @paisleywookiee I would LOVE to checkout some captures of that Mesa Recto Reborn. I’ve heard great things but haven’t crossed paths with one yet. Would also love to checkout the IIB and IIC+ modes on that VII if the opportunity ever arises.
If I ever get off my lazy ass and capture my Mark III, I was thinking about taking captures from my captor vs using the slave out (1960A as the load in both cases) to see if there’s a significant difference. I’ve been wondering about that recently. I also would be interested in capturing the same settings with different cab loads just to see how much of a difference is actually reflected in the captures. Seems like there’s lots of room for fun experimentation here.

I’m traveling next week, but @paisleywookiee is inspiring me to actually get the ball rolling on this this month.

I can get captures of:
- 2204 with various bright cap values
- 1959 with various bright cap values
- ‘80 1987
- Mesa Mark III Simul Class head
- Fryette Sig X
- Budda SuperDrive 18 head
- ‘78 Silverface Princeton Reverb
- ‘79 Silverface Deluxe Reverb
- 5e3

Also, @paisleywookiee I would LOVE to checkout some captures of that Mesa Recto Reborn. I’ve heard great things but haven’t crossed paths with one yet. Would also love to checkout the IIB and IIC+ modes on that VII if the opportunity ever arises.

I’ve been hoping for a decent Budda SuperDrive capture. Haven’t found any I’ve clicked with yet.
If I ever get off my lazy ass and capture my Mark III, I was thinking about taking captures from my captor vs using the slave out (1960A as the load in both cases) to see if there’s a significant difference. I’ve been wondering about that recently. I also would be interested in capturing the same settings with different cab loads just to see how much of a difference is actually reflected in the captures. Seems like there’s lots of room for fun experimentation here.

I’m traveling next week, but @paisleywookiee is inspiring me to actually get the ball rolling on this this month.

I can get captures of:
- 2204 with various bright cap values
- 1959 with various bright cap values
- ‘80 1987
- Mesa Mark III Simul Class head
- Fryette Sig X
- Budda SuperDrive 18 head
- ‘78 Silverface Princeton Reverb
- ‘79 Silverface Deluxe Reverb
- 5e3

Also, @paisleywookiee I would LOVE to checkout some captures of that Mesa Recto Reborn. I’ve heard great things but haven’t crossed paths with one yet. Would also love to checkout the IIB and IIC+ modes on that VII if the opportunity ever arises.
Wow that’s some good stuff too! Especially the Budda and Fryette (for my tastes).

Yeah man, can’t wait to crack open the Reborn and get going. I’m trying to get a mobile capture setup going, so I can just bring a laptop to the shop and set an amp up in the back and run through it.
if your DI has a pad, you can just use an unused speaker output (just make sure your cab is connected). A lot of amps have a slave/DI out tapped off the speaker jacks, it’ll be close to them if it’s from the poweramp rather than a preamp send
I'm using a HK RedBox Pro for that. Any load on speaker out1. The RB Pro on Speaker Out 2 with the cab sim off, nothing connected on the through- gives a great DI signal. Got this recommended from my friend Ed Degenaro (former rep of THD)
I'm using a HK RedBox Pro for that. Any load on speaker out1. The RB Pro on Speaker Out 2 with the cab sim off, nothing connected on the through- gives a great DI signal. Got this recommended from my friend Ed Degenaro (former rep of THD)
Yeah I’m using the Behringer GI-100 for this, connected to an actual cab of course.
