Today I stacked: DD3, DD8, RV5, and MXR Reverb ... and it sounded just as good as a bigbox effect from anyone else

fake interest cool story bro GIF
Super interested in the DD200. I love(d) the DD500 and I've owned about 4 of them over the years. Hate the oscillations of the delays though, and the clipping on the output when the oscillation gets too loud.
Super interested in the DD200. I love(d) the DD500 and I've owned about 4 of them over the years. Hate the oscillations of the delays though, and the clipping on the output when the oscillation gets too loud.

Just using digital or tape mostly, and once and a while either analog or drum.
Always with MOD DEPTH at zero and PARAM set fully CCW.
Box sounds like you'd expect from Boss.

Very ergonomically laid out for my usage.

(y) (y) (y) (y) (y)

EDIT: Very pleasantly surprised with Boss' tape delay algo (at least the single head one w/zero mod).
Did a quick A/B with an El Cap and easily preferred the DD.
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