To Harley Or Not To Harley, That Is The Question?

For sure. Today was perfect with the light winds and perfect temps.

Not much colour out there yet. Rode over to Petoskey where we hung out
on the Bay for a bit, and then through Indian River and Onaway south down
through Atlanta.

We are gonna try and head out tomorrow afternoon for a shorter trip just to
go grab a bite to eat and then back home. These days are a blessing for sure! :chef
Headed back out this afternoon.

Harley Davidson Boss GIF by Tap The Table
I am communicating from the across the Great Divide that separates the
Living from the Dead. :sofa

Hit a Deer Monday night on the Harley. Yup. BAM! WTF?? Deer lost. Hard.
"Dusty," my Harley also lost. Hard. :cry:

I have also mostly lost it hard all this week trying to deal with this rather
unexpected turn of events. Not young and dumb and full of enough cum
any longer to bounce back quick and carry the fuck on. Mortality is a total
motherfucker. I can smell Its breath and it ain't inviting, fellas.

Dusty is a total loss, and set to be salvaged with a bent frame and forks. Time
for a new ride, I suppose.


Jason Segel Crying GIF by Apple TV+

Go tell someone you love them. A lot. :beer
I am communicating from the across the Great Divide that separates the
Living from the Dead. :sofa

Hit a Deer Monday night on the Harley. Yup. BAM! WTF?? Deer lost. Hard.
"Dusty," my Harley also lost. Hard. :cry:

I have also mostly lost it hard all this week trying to deal with this rather
unexpected turn of events. Not young and dumb and full of enough cum
any longer to bounce back quick and carry the fuck on. Mortality is a total
motherfucker. I can smell Its breath and it ain't inviting, fellas.

Dusty is a total loss, and set to be salvaged with a bent frame and forks. Time
for a new ride, I suppose.


Jason Segel Crying GIF by Apple TV+

Go tell someone you love them. A lot. :beer
Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude! So glad you are able to type about it!! OMG!!! Sorry I have not responded sooner, this thread was not popping up in my notices (this happens to me on all forums I am on, subscribe to a thread, and then after a while, it stops notifying me of new posts).

Much love and healing powers in getting past this! I hope it does not stop you from getting another bike ;~)) F'in deer! #1 cost for auto insurance companies in the state of Wisconsin (and I would imagine the same for Michigan). Worst ride I ever did was Minneapolis to Milwaukee at night. Every deer sign I saw made me shake (well, that and the cold of riding at night in the fall)! Worst I ever hit on one of my bikes (well, living stuff anyway) was a racoon in Golden Gate Park SF, F'er ran right out in front of me at night and there was nothing I could do, just raised up out of the seat a bit and drove right over him/her.

Love you Brother and Rock On!
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I am communicating from the across the Great Divide that separates the
Living from the Dead. :sofa

Hit a Deer Monday night on the Harley. Yup. BAM! WTF?? Deer lost. Hard.
"Dusty," my Harley also lost. Hard. :cry:

I have also mostly lost it hard all this week trying to deal with this rather
unexpected turn of events. Not young and dumb and full of enough cum
any longer to bounce back quick and carry the fuck on. Mortality is a total
motherfucker. I can smell Its breath and it ain't inviting, fellas.

Dusty is a total loss, and set to be salvaged with a bent frame and forks. Time
for a new ride, I suppose.


Jason Segel Crying GIF by Apple TV+

Go tell someone you love them. A lot. :beer
Wow man. Sorry about your bike but glad you're ok! I'm sure it scared the shit out of you?!
Any lawyering up in here? Can you negotiate with an insurance adjuster? Do they lowball
you trying to get you to accept their 1st offer?

They seem really eager to get me to sign and settle? Is that normal?

Thoughts? Experiences? :idk
Any lawyering up in here? Can you negotiate with an insurance adjuster? Do they lowball
you trying to get you to accept their 1st offer?

They seem really eager to get me to sign and settle? Is that normal?

Thoughts? Experiences? :idk
I am not a lawyer, but I have acted as one in real court settings, and very recently as well. Insurance companies are the wealthiest corporations in the world. This is in part due to them having to own assets that can be liquified to pay off policies. It varies with insurance type (home, auto, health, etc.) and location (some stuff is regulated by states, other stuff by federal gov) but the general brackets I am aware of force these companies to have between 50-80% of all policy values, in assets that they can liquidate to pay out if that percentage would come due in claims. So they literally own the banks, the energy companies, the pharmaceutical companies, etc. They own it all, including us with their recurring revenue streams from our hard work. And when they see a bet (that is all an insurance policy is, a futures bet) they don't like, they drop you like a hot potato!

Point is, they have sh!tloads of money and if they are trying to get you to settle this quickly, I would be leery AF! Did the deer have insurance? If so, be sure to go after them as well (he he ha ha) ;~))

Best wishes on getting full compensated! Don't forget the parts/upgrades you had made to the bike when showing them why they should pay you mo' money!!! Amsoil ain't cheap as you know and there was 4.5 quarts or so of that stuff in the bike ;~))
Damn dude! Glad to hear you lived to tell the tale! Hopefully not much ptsd from the wreck!

Thanks, JT! :beer

I never considered that a possibility and then another friend mentioned that to me,
and that I was seeming "off."

It was very traumatizing---especially when your emotions go from feeling great and
getting some relief to "FUCK ME!" in an instant.

Today is the first day I have started to feel a bit more like myself. My apologies for that. :LOL:

Oh, and I am also making a move to a new ride.

Excited Jason Sudeikis GIF by Apple TV+
Is there anything similar to the Kelly Blue book for motorcycles?
It seems so

Yup. Adjuster said that is what they use to determine value. They use "average"
retail/resale of the model in question. So if you bike is mint and has add-ons then
you get fucked. If your bike is an hot mess and beat to fuck then you make bank.

Guess which category my bike fell in. :hmm

I am not accepting their offer without some back and forth. The engine upgrades
are not included.... because they are "inside" according to the adjuster. I am like
"Well, the inside is still an essential part of the bike being totaled." :cuss