My HX Stomp Pedalboard Setup and Workflow for Gigs and Live-Looping



HX Stomp, Hotone Ampero Control for midi switching for maximizing the Stomp switches, Hotone Press as the expression pedal and a Hotone Dual Switch for tap tempo and tuner.


Wanted to make a video of my current setup and workflow before selling this rig and moving onto another setup.

You may ask:."Why didn't you just get a Helix Floor/LT?"

1. I always thought I would be expanding this will more pedals (like the SY200 and the Tonex).
2. This is a modular setup that let me break the Stomp out for when I had to travel light.

I really loved this setup, and performed many gigs with this, but priorities have changed and I need to move to an all-in solution.

But for those who don't need to, I wanted to leave this video here.
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I've got a similar setup going! The external switch has the tuner and snapshot up. The Tonex and OD save on DSP and give me room to control delay/reverb/chorus using the 3 footswitches. I control the Tonex using midi. I think the only thing I could really do to improve this further is a midi controller for the stomp.

All of this is smaller than the real estate of an LT, and I don't use expression pedals so I'm not missing out on that.
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