Thin see through removable pickguard


Rock Star
Howdy all Looking for something thin see through removable pickguard
Does that exist ? any recommendations ?

For my Ibanez dont want to scratch it

Thank you all for your Valued Input

@Stone Isn't that AZ42P1 finished in Polyurethane? It's gonna take a whole lot more to scratch that up than a trad nitro guitar.
@Stone Funny (ironic) observation:

My EBMM Cutlass has a ridiculously tough polyester finish. Very hard wearing and difficult to scratch or dent.

The ironic thing is that it has a plastic pickguard and that is quite scratched up and looks messier than the body would have done without the pickguard. Well that's my guess anyway.

Ya don't need a pickguard. It'll be okay :hugitout
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I think for every overly neat and OCD impulse, you should force yourself to do something fun and awesome instead! The guitar should be a gateway to everything awesome, and preoccupation with mirror finish perfection gets in the way of that, Dude!