The official, original QC owners, non-owners & complainers thread

As much as I like complaining about the QC, do we really need another thread :sofa

Check out the thread in the gear rants as I feel like it might overlap a touch. But what do I know
I really like their original iconography design. They've made bold steps towards a brighter future.

disappear rocket league GIF
As much as I like complaining about the QC, do we really need another thread :sofa

Check out the thread in the gear rants as I feel like it might overlap a touch. But what do I know
Yep, same thread.

If anything TGF needs a "Grudging allowance for things QC does well" thread. Which would instantly fall into obscurity. Or worse. :rofl
Maybe if the communities on TGP, QC forums, Kemper forums, and Fractal forums, weren't so hostile to outside opinion and criticisms of their particular unit, then maybe there wouldn't be so many complainer threads and complainer people that ended up congregating here??? I dunno. Food for thought.

Create an out-group, kick them out of your spaces, and chase them around the internet constantly complaining about their conduct.... makes sense. Successful strategy to rid the world of evil ... I suppose.

Here... have a picture of Timmy Mallett.

This is... interesting :LOL:

"One of the things that some people really didn't like it that I said my video that the Helix often sounds closer to my real amps than the stock QC amp models."

Big, big, BIG +1. I don't have a lot of experience with most of the amps Helix (and the QC) model, but L6 definitely seems to capture their essence better than the QC does.

The tonal characteristics are there, but on the QC it feels like this very boomy, exaggerated low-end response is on all the time; great for metal chugging, and can be made to sit nicely in a mix, but not entirely realistic IMHO. On the other hand, this also means that Helix usually takes a bit more tweaking to get expected results.

I think the people people who complain about Helix's Brit Trem models being too fizzy never had the chance to play a Plexi in real life.

PS: Someone needs to invite Jon to this place. He's a good egg.
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