Ok, I'm birthing this one before I get sick of it, I'm pretty much out of time to f*ck with it anymore, anyway. I put a
lot of time into this one thanks to having last Monday off. Big Ryche influence on this one. Tricky getting the mix right, it definitely needs some work but there's a lot of f*cking tracks in this. It's not really 9 mins long, I gotta chop the end off.
Distorted- Orville w/ Aldrich pickup
Clean- Gilmour Strat
12-string Johnson C-POS model
Acoustic- Breedlove (can't remember the model name)
AxeFX handled all the amp stuff, the acoustics were recorded with a 57. The distorted guitars are quad tracked and all the acoustic stuff is doubled. Distorted guitars are panned hard left and right and what I dig about it the most is that it sounds like they're right up the middle, as if it's one giant guitar. You can hear every little f*ck up, too.

Used a Splawn Nitro and Quickrod then Leon's GoT Mark IV Filthy preset and another track of JPIIC+. Lead is a JPIIC+ using a Cantrell wah block.
Drums are SD3 and could be a little louder in the mix. Any reverb you hear on the kit is from Abbey Road Plates.
Strings/Choir/Synths are all East West's Opus with multiple libraries loaded in. That plug-in saves so much time when layering pads/strings, I can just jump from library to library in a click. I just use the same MIDI notes and bounce each string/voice section down, same with the synth sounds. There's about 20 tracks of just synths/voices.
My ears need a break for a bit then I'll catch up the newer submissions.