Tele Time


Rock Star
TGF Recording Artist
Aight lets seem 'em boys

I like turtles, and Teles...

Custom Shop 52

Custom Shop 64 Bakersfield

Fender Japan 60s Traditional

Pittman P90 Lawyercaster

Pittman 62 Esquire

Iconic 52T

Endres Thinline

Kononykheen Breed 36

Been through a bunch of them, but these are still around. Trying to branch out now, lol. :D
Why would you wanna cover up all that beautiful wood? I'd rock that as is, man - it looks great!
That's a fair question. The wood is good. And I did the finish so it is what it is. You can see that patch of worn surface is only going to get worse. And I do love those La Cabronita style pickguards. A compromise maybe.

p.s you can't see the headstock but i got a custom decal made. The word Flanders in a Fender script. there is no more an appropriate name for a lefty gat.
I like turtles, and Teles...

Custom Shop 52

Custom Shop 64 Bakersfield

Fender Japan 60s Traditional

Pittman P90 Lawyercaster

Pittman 62 Esquire

Iconic 52T

Endres Thinline

Kononykheen Breed 36

Been through a bunch of them, but these are still around. Trying to branch out now, lol. :D
The last gray one there… jikes that’s a sexy mf guitar
Seriously considering the new Schecter Nick Johnston tele. Do I need it, probably not, but it feels like I should have one tele in the stable.