The LP pokerchip, yay or nay?

2018 standards came stock without, I think it’s better like that

Hahhah pretty sure I took that off before I even pulled it out of the case. I'm not a fan of them on LP's at this point in time. Maybe next year.

I have taken mine off before. I think they look great both ways. I also won't hardsell
you on the JB, but the '59 in the neck of an LP is a stellar solution. Bright enough that
you don't get the bloating and tubbiness of the stereotypical Les Paul with the toggle up.
I've never liked calling the neck position "rhythm"

If I'm playing rhythm with any amount of distortion its bridge pickup 100% of the time

I suppose clean could be a different story though :idk

The name pre-dates distorted chugging rhythm guitar playing

If you were comping jazz chords and then need to poke out of the mix for a solo it’s a completely different story