TC Plethora

I wanted to buy one. Even was in my Thomann cart already. Then I found out it has no global tempo. And from all I know, you can't even assign tap tempo to an external switch that you connect to the EXP in (let alone I'd actually prefered the X3 - but that has no loop and no EXP input at all). So, if you wanted to, say, call up 2 delays and have both of their tempos tapped in, it takes a separate long press onto each delay switch.
Might not be relevant for anyone else, but for me that was the dealbreaker.
Got an HX Stomp instead and at least sort of couldn't be happier. I seem to like some TC effects better, their Mash function is quite nifty, but overall the Stomp is just a vastly more complete tool (plus it can serve as a backup on its own).
It really is a shame that Behringer bought TC. They've got some fine algorithms and fine products, but haven't really done anything impressive since the B acquisition.

The HoFII and FlashbackII series are cool, but I think that was before?? Not sure. Anyway, Plethora seems cool... I'd rather have that than the Boss equivalent.
Something like the Boss MS-3 or GT1000 Core I suppose. But their multi-fx are never as fully featured as their beasty stompboxes.

Yeah well, that's their way of doing business I suppose.
The GT1000-Core should do quite well, though - at least as long as you don't need some pretty special FX arrangements such as more than 1 reverb per patch.

Anyhow, as said, compared to the Plethoras, the HX Stomp IMO is really doing extremely well unless you want a) a specific TC algorithm or b) their MASH functionality (both of which I could actually understand, which is why I have been looking at the Plethora myself in the first place). The Stomp also sort of becomes an X5 once you connect some external switches. And, for me most of all, it has decent tap tempo implementation.
Btw, it's quite weird; I was looking at the Mooer Ocean Machine as well (I actually needed a unit for basically just delays and reverbs), and regarding tap tempo it suffers from exactly the same problems as the Plethora. No global tempo, you have to long press to get into tap tempo mode and there's no way to tap via the EXP input. Heck, even my old Zoom G3 can do better.