TC Electronics Plethora X1

I picked up an X1 but cannot connect with my Windows laptop with USB or with my Android phone via Bluetooth. Anyone else having this issue?
I have the same issues. On my phone I get a message saying the Bluetooth connection is only supported from Android 7 and up (my phone is running Android 10).
I have two Windows devices that will not stay connected via Bluetooth. Both see the pedal in Windows via USB but on one the Toneprint program does not see the pedal at all, and on the other it sees the pedal but I cannot do anything changes or anything else.... I've tried multiple different cables but still no joy....
The quick start guide states "Connect your computer to your PLETHORA X1 using the included USB cable.". Mine did not come with a USB cable? Did yous?
Just a reminder TC Electronic made the classic devices:

D-Two Delay
G System
Nova System
G Major and G Major 2
Finalizer Mastering Rack System
2290 Dynamic Delay

All classic and amazing devices. They even had some of the first and best sounding VSTs back in the day with the early 2000s TC Native Bundle. I saw recently In Flames as recently as last year was still using the G Major 2 in their live rigs.

I wish they would return to that form and really come out with true high-end devices and products again. I have such love for classic TC sounds and it’s very personal to me as they were part of every guitar rig I built up until the 2010s. The 2290 pedal I feel is a step in the right direction, but I would love to see more from them.
One of my friends is looking forward to gift this pedal to her hubby. He tunes his guitar by ear. He has overdrives, fuzz, chorus and a delay pedal on his board. I told her that if he puts this at the end of his signal chain, it will be good as a looper - but almost useless as a tuner.

Can this pedal be used as both a looper and a tuner if needed? She will buy 2 of these so that he can place them at the beginning and also the end of his chain.