Suhr Reactive Load Vs Fractal Audio X-Load

If you have both of these units there is a useful way to switch between the two quickly, use the 'THRU' output of the first unit to the load INPUT of the second unit, this bypasses the internal load but still sends small DI signal from the first unit.
Pulling the speaker cable out of the 'thru' output of the first unit returns the load of the first unit back, for a quick switch between the units.
!!!! Don't pull the wrong end of the thru cable !!!

It's another way to use the Suhr RL IR passively, as a load only.

A quick comparison of these two load boxes. Everything is the same in the setup for both. Monomyth modded Marshall 1987x slightly boosted with a Boss SD-1. Noise gate and IR loaded in the DAW.

Which do you prefer:

Note the Fractal needs power, either phantom or 9-24v 5amp.

Those riffs sound familiar. :-)) Sounds killer dude! My ears prefer the second one (a bit darker).