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can you imagine the Lineup
10:00am NDSP
10;15 : Steve Serrlachi
10:30 HW
10:43. Cordy
11:09. Guitar JON
11;42 Kyle Bull
12:03 : Henning Pauly
1:00 -2:45 BEA, The Captain , and Pete
That would be cool! But I also have to imagine it will drive the price up? Maybe it will just be a capture unit? Unless the capture tech is super small
And don't forget Rabea M !
B.t.w ... I reckon Rabea is an awesome bloke and a great player - much better than me - more power to him ... but when did someone who has done nothing in terms of recorded original guitar music or recorded original songs or touring original music etc.... become "important" (?)
Of all the people NDSP "endorse" he is the one that makes zero sense to me ....... other than maybe "covering" the influencer market ? but Pete Thorn is both a massively credible guitarist / influencer / and super respected player who has played with many major touring international acts.
I think it may make / load captures , have limited FX and load pre mixed IRs , the FX will just be generic Delay , verb , Drive , Chorus , Flanger ,phase from the earlier pluginsMy money is on a pedal that can load captures - not make them - and that can load X-amount of plugins - say 3 or 4 - at any given time ?
But w.t.f do I know.
Bea does tons of Stuff, But its mostly in UK , but he tours constantly , a lot of their artists just have a lot more visibility in the UK
Hey, if you get an EBMM signature guitar that sells out online and is back ordered and its as cost as much as the Petrucci's your doing ok
they bumped his slot until after 4 PM CSTCan fluff give us an “inside scoop” or his he blacklisted now ?
he just released an EP with his band VOWER^^ Maybe ? But to the best of my knowledge he has done essentially zero in terms of his own recorded original guitar music or his own recorded original songs or touring any original music ?
I'm confused. Where you getting this 'essentially Zero' from?^^ Maybe ? But to the best of my knowledge he has done essentially zero in terms of his own recorded original guitar music or his own recorded original songs or touring any original music ?
he just released an EP with his band VOWER
and has 2 or 3 instrumental album grinding Gears or something vol 1 and 2
I'm confused. Where you getting this 'essentially Zero' from?
Toska, Vower, several singles/eps...
He's spent the best part of the last decade writing and releasing original music and touring that music.
Plus all the other stuff he's done more recently, including the Frogleap band, and also headlining Reading festival with Stormzy.
He's one of the more deserving guitarists of his generation, in terms of all his endorsement work with companies lately.
I meant shouldn’t they fulfil what was promised on the qc years ago before putting $$ and time into another half baked thing?Yes, shouldn’t they finish the price? They already released that didn’t come through yet.
What brand is the guitar he's using to play the Korn bit?????
Im not having it! I’ll pass!!!can you imagine the Lineup
7:45 am Good Morning , its Mitch from Sweetwater and wow this is just incredible lets check out the NDSP nano cortex
7:47 long distance call from EU to Mitch
7:50 Sweetwater Video not available at this time
10;15 : Steve Serrlachi
10:30 HW
10:43. Cordy
11:09. Guitar JON
11;42 Kyle Bull
12:03 : Henning Pauly
1:00 -2:45 BEA, The Captain , and Pete
He's one of the more deserving guitarists of his generation, in terms of all his endorsement work with companies lately.
Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree.