SoOOoN (Neural DSP Nano Cortex)

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Our current government would cut those videos in half to save a penny.

Sorry to get political, but the current Finnish government is a bunch of spineless, racist assholes and I can't wait for them to get the fuck out. They are ruining the country with their utterly stupid policies.
<laughs in Tories>
Clicked to the end, and the riff on Seven (at least I think that's what they were doing) was pretty funny IMO. Clicked around further back looking for any sign of the product, and OMG the rest of the skit is boooooooooooooring.

Read the YouTube comments. Super toxic LOL. Next episode needs to be: "Sorry you hated that. This is what the Nano looks like; these are the specs. Available mm/dd/yyyy for $n."
Woof they missed the mark on this one. Would have been fun if it was like a 5 minute skit that actually revealed the product. But 24 minutes of dragging on and on with no payoff.

Just an ass backwards company.
Read the YouTube comments. Super toxic LOL.

I mean, i feel for this poor guy.

Screenshot from 2024-09-16 17-13-26.png
Next episode needs to be: "Sorry you hated that. This is what the Nano looks like; these are the specs. Available mm/dd/yyyy for $n."
Their social media team usually doubles down on anyone who voices displeasure with their marketing gimmicks. Albeit this has to be their most negative reception yet.

Hopefully they take your advice 🤣
I'm genuinely curious what's fun about these videos

The whole Pulp Fiction briefcase slag is great.

The muscle dude at the end literally shaking in frustration cause he can't tell the guy what it is? Funny.

It's a silly stupid spoof that isn't meant to be taken serious - obviously. Boys with Toys having some fun!

* boy with toy = consumer electronics company executive, in this case Castro.
The whole Pulp Fiction briefcase slag is great.

The muscle dude at the end literally shaking in frustration cause he can't tell the guy what it is? Funny.
View attachment 28574

It's a silly stupid spoof that isn't meant to be taken serious - obviously. Boys with Toys having some fun!

* boy with toy = consumer electronics company executive, in this case Castro.
See if it was just a 1 minute gag like this, that would be fun. They somehow thought the 20+ minutes more was needed.
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