Some interesting news from Kemper (Profiler Player)

Its a must have to all Kemper owners. Its going to be a huge success for Kemper.
ya think?
That's the thing; I think it's fine if you have your own amp(s). If you don't, it's not ideal IMO.
This has been my main mileage with NAM, ToneX as well. It's generally pot luck to land on a profile that feels 10/10 right and when you do it is a great experience. But where captures shine is when you've dialed in the hardware, confirmed the A/B comparison yourself and then going back to that digital capture you know its your idealised setting(s).

If I had to rely on being a consumer of captures only I think it would bug me more than anything. I'd only consider a KPP if I was capturing on another one and needed a slimmer format. Horses for courses I get it, I know others are totally happy sifting through capture packs but its just not for me.
Definitely. But that doesn't mean you can be unclear with that you are getting in a product and implementing a questionable upgrade plan.

The Kemper Player just seems very vague. As @Byrdman mentioned, they aren't being that transparent. You can figure it out by looking at the I/Os but imo it should clearly state this thing does not do profiles and missing some features of the big ones. Almost like a tiered table would be neat.

I still wouldn't like it, but adding in this paid option at launch would be more okay with me as you'd know what you are buying. This does feel very much like a NDSP move to me.
It clearly says Profiler on the Player unit, hmm if `I ` don`t pay to upgrade, it should just say Player :idk
Why wont anyone just come out and say its a lame pricepoint for a unit that only PLAYS BACK and doesnt profile. They are all shills.
Why don't you start your own YT channel then and promote your own subjective opinions as objective facts? ;)

My takeaway so far from this release is just save up and buy a stage or find one used or the toaster for that matter.

One day, you may actually follow your own advice... ;)
I gotta chuckle at the similarities between the TMP accuracy discussion and this one, that only took a few posts before we got to “the audience doesn’t care” and “fuck your golden ears” :rofl
I love my golden ears but don’t want to fuck them.
Why is it a must for all Kemper owners? I have a toaster. Why do I NEED a player? Answer is, I don't.
I might, get one anyway, but it isn't a must have. It isn't like our existing hardware is obsolete.
Why is it a must for all Kemper owners? I have a toaster. Why do I NEED a player? Answer is, I don't.
I might, get one anyway, but it isn't a must have. It isn't like our existing hardware is obsolete.
It fits well on a pedal board is truly the only pro I see.
Why is it a must for all Kemper owners? I have a toaster. Why do I NEED a player? Answer is, I don't.
I might, get one anyway, but it isn't a must have. It isn't like our existing hardware is obsolete.
I'm tempted to actually get a used stage if anything.
I'm just curious about the liquid profile thing.

But now the money ear marked fir the player was spent on a TC Behrinertronics 2290 pedal, 2 more NDSP plugs, a couple of Blue Chip picks and a bunch of Amalgam Tonex captures if amps Id never buy. 😂
I'm tempted to actually get a used stage if anything.
I'm just curious about the liquid profile thing.

But now the money ear marked fir the player was spent on a TC Behrinertronics 2290 pedal, 2 more NDSP plugs, a couple of Blue Chip picks and a bunch of Amalgam Tonex captures if amps Id never buy. 😂
Christmas sales claimed another victim!
I'm tempted to actually get a used stage if anything.
I'm just curious about the liquid profile thing.

But now the money ear marked fir the player was spent on a TC Behrinertronics 2290 pedal, 2 more NDSP plugs, a couple of Blue Chip picks and a bunch of Amalgam Tonex captures if amps Id never buy. 😂

Christmas sales claimed another victim!
Hate to say it, but seeing as how I’ve got the MacBook now, I’m going to try more plugins, and the SLO100 is on me radar.