Some interesting news from Kemper (Profiler Player)

There are like 40 Liquid tone stacks that effect the profile remarkably similar to the real amps. You can even use the tone stacks with the wrong amps which is fun.

The best part is the gain acts like the amp.

Nope…LP is there to make the tonestack behave like a certain amp, that’s it.
Without it, you can still tweak a profile from the sun to the moon..just not exactly in a fashion that would be possible with the original. So not less…just different.
You can set the tone stack pre or post…whatever you desire..

If I ever find a Stage or Toaster for cheap I’d consider it, but but none of that is appealing enough to pull me away from, again, what I’m already getting exactly what I want from. I can understand why other people dig ‘em, it’s just not the approach I prefer to take. I enjoy dialing things in from the ground up, whether it’s AxeFX presets or drum kits in SD3 or mastering chains on a mix. And my favorite amps utilize the most finicky/interactive controls of any amp known to man.

The fundamental aspect of needing to find profiles I dig before I can even think to tweak them is my biggest issue. In the amount of time it would take to find a single profile to purchase, I can have already dialed it in on the AxeFX I bought 5 years ago.
And there you have it ^^^. Profiling/capturing has given me what modeling could not (yet): a digital version of my real amp that was easy to do and sounds/feels great. No dependence on others involved. I'll gladly take that over 300+ models of other amps that are fun to try but in the end, I don't like as much as my own amp.
That’s totally fair. It’s the only way I’d want to rely on Capture/Profiling, is if I could regularly profile my own amps.
Have you actually tried Tonocracy for capturing?
It is so much better. And assuming people follow the instructions it makes the problem with users having a wide variety of the input gain. So in theory there should be less crappy captures to sort through.
the only problem I’ve found so far is no one is using it to capture. I checked yesterday and it’s been weeks since anyone uploaded a cap!

with TONEX it became my morning routine, get coffee, go audition latest uploads…of course TONEX had 75% of captures were frikken AxeFx or Kemper caps.
Maybe Tonocracy needs to spend some money on generating a buzz. Hopefully they are about to release a nice piece of hardware and can use that as way to get back ‘in the news’.
with TONEX it became my morning routine, get coffee, go audition latest uploads…of course TONEX had 75% of captures were frikken AxeFx or Kemper caps.
That's actually what I also hate about it. There's so many Kemper captures that are not marked as such. If I wanted a Kemper I'd get a Kemper. Tonex's Tonenet is just flooded with shitty captures and of course IK is happy with "hey look how many captures we have" but you can't easily weed out the shit.

Kemper of course has the same issue, with something like 100K captures over the years it's impossible for anyone to go through so they default to captures that are popular. I don't know if people have started spamming Tonex captures to Rig Exchange.

Captures are definitely a thing where data management becomes extremely important and none of the products on the market do a good job with it.

Hell, I'd extend that to none of the modelers regardless of tech running them do a good job at data management whether it's presets, IRs or captures.
It is so much better. And assuming people follow the instructions it makes the problem with users having a wide variety of the input gain. So in theory there should be less crappy captures to sort through.
the only problem I’ve found so far is no one is using it to capture. I checked yesterday and it’s been weeks since anyone uploaded a cap!

with TONEX it became my morning routine, get coffee, go audition latest uploads…of course TONEX had 75% of captures were frikken AxeFx or Kemper caps.
Maybe Tonocracy needs to spend some money on generating a buzz. Hopefully they are about to release a nice piece of hardware and can use that as way to get back ‘in the news’.
Same here, except I scanned only through guys I knew their stuff. But I completely stopped that. Lol
Better demo but I wish there was one that showed what all was missing from the default settings on the amp, etc.

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Have you actually tried Tonocracy for capturing?
No. It looks interesting, and I like Tom King. But I've been rather busy just with using the FM9T and Helix Native. And I'd rather wait to see what his rate of updates and longer term support is. He doesn't have a great track record, unfortunately.
And there you have it ^^^. Profiling/capturing has given me what modeling could not (yet): a digital version of my real amp that was easy to do and sounds/feels great. No dependence on others involved. I'll gladly take that over 300+ models of other amps that are fun to try but in the end, I don't like as much as my own amp.
This is what I do with my Kemper Stage. I profiled my own amps at the volumes and settings I use at gigs. This allows me to get those tones at lower volumes and lets me record them without blowing the house up with volume. I really only use profiles of two of my amps. One of them is a great clean amp that takes pedals well and the other has great driven tones. That really covers all I need.
Better demo but I wish there was one that showed what all was missing from the default settings on the amp, etc.

I would rather get a stage used if i found one or even new for x amount more $$...if i was into kemper. Or even a used toaster. Nothing i hear wows me more then fractal demos i have listened to
hw is a sales man 1st..musician second. Why wont anyone just come out and say its a lame pricepoint for a unit that only PLAYS BACK and doesnt profile. They are all shills. My takeaway so far from this release is just save up and buy a stage or find one used or the toaster for that matter.

For me, the price point isn't the sticking point. I want them to show me what it does without a lot of the toaster's main features.
I like the size and format. But I need to hear it. I suppose I will have to bite the bullet and order one and see for myself. I can always
send it back, unless you wanna bite the bullet for me, Tim!
hw is a sales man 1st..musician second. Why wont anyone just come out and say its a lame pricepoint for a unit that only PLAYS BACK and doesnt profile. They are all shills. My takeaway so far from this release is just save up and buy a stage or find one used or the toaster for that matter.

Why would you think this can create Profiles?
... Why wont anyone just come out and say it's a lame pricepoint for a unit that only PLAYS BACK and doesnt profile. ..
Some people do. Why won't those people realize that it *is* a great price point for others?
Like someone who sells their Stage (because most of us only use it as a player anyway) and that allowed me to put $625 in the bank and now my player is nice and portable.
So, I watched that whole Player preset video, and it honestly highlights my #1 problem with profiling/capturing, regardless of whether you like a particular one or not: it makes you dependent on others for tone. This is the case even more so with the Player, since it doesn't capture.

On a modeler, if you don't like the stock presets, so what? Read the manual, and get to work.

On a capture/profile device, get to work! Oh wait, you need access to great tube amps that fit your style, you need mics, you need all the recording stuff, ideally. Or, you're stuck finding diamonds in the rough for free captures, or you're paying $10-$40 a pop for capture packs. Suddenly, that $700 Player is $1000. Or more.

I hope to god modelers never go away, if we're to live in a completely digital world. Because as capture/profiling stands currently, it's not there in terms of flexibility.
That's not been totally my experience with the kemper - granted I tend to use amp only profiles with my preferred IR, but even with full studio profiles I've not really had that issue become a problem.

Coming from mesa mark amps I'm used to eq'ing before and after the amp, and that's the approach I used with the kemper - EQ before the amp block (as well as the deeper amp parameters) to change the feel and response, and EQ after to change the sound of the profile.

You can use the emulated bmt in the amp stack, but this is never as good - if you don't go more than 1.0-1.5 from the default you should be ok, but you're better off eq'ing before and after the amp.

Liquid profiles (for me) have been really useful. I can pull up a liquid profile of an amp, apply my IR of choice and it's not really that different to a modeller at that point.

But granted it does take a bit more work, and the user needs to supply their own IRs and profiles, and I do actually prefer the profiles I made of my mark IV more than almost every commercial profile I've got, so maybe you are right 😅
That's not been totally my experience with the kemper - granted I tend to use amp only profiles with my preferred IR, but even with full studio profiles I've not really had that issue become a problem.

Coming from mesa mark amps I'm used to eq'ing before and after the amp, and that's the approach I used with the kemper - EQ before the amp block (as well as the deeper amp parameters) to change the feel and response, and EQ after to change the sound of the profile.

You can use the emulated bmt in the amp stack, but this is never as good - if you don't go more than 1.0-1.5 from the default you should be ok, but you're better off eq'ing before and after the amp.

Liquid profiles (for me) have been really useful. I can pull up a liquid profile of an amp, apply my IR of choice and it's not really that different to a modeller at that point.

But granted it does take a bit more work, and the user needs to supply their own IRs and profiles, and I do actually prefer the profiles I made of my mark IV more than almost every commercial profile I've got, so maybe you are right 😅
That's the thing; I think it's fine if you have your own amp(s). If you don't, it's not ideal IMO.