Question about the Forum

It was very much a case of “Oh yeah? We’ll just go make our own forum” after a bunch of us got banned over there. While there was a little extra silliness involved in a lot of our bannings and how things were going down over there at the time, it’s just par for the course for TGP.

It’s been a blast, we’re coming up on year 2 this month, I believe. I dig the slow growth as it’s been able to keep the spirit of the forum intact. We only invited certain people here in the first few weeks because we knew what kind of vibe we were going for and overall I think we nailed that pretty well!
I was just wondering what the story of the gear forum is ....

Seems like it was started a couple of years ago, by some outcasts from TOP, am I wrong?

I was hoping just to find out what the story actually was, for my own curiosity.

Thanks to anyone who answers! It is appreciated.
Did you ever watch Baa Baa Black Sheep or Island of Misfit Toys when you were younger? Kind of like that, most of us have been banned over there at one point or another and everyone that sticks around is really cool here. Plus, anyone that shows up here trying to be a douche nozzle know-it-all gets weeded out pretty quickly, which is really great IMO.
Did you ever watch Baa Baa Black Sheep or Island of Misfit Toys when you were younger? Kind of like that, most of us have been banned over there at one point or another and everyone that sticks around is really cool here. Plus, anyone that shows up here trying to be a douche nozzle know-it-all gets weeded out pretty quickly, which is really great IMO.
It was very much a case of “Oh yeah? We’ll just go make our own forum” after a bunch of us got banned over there. While there was a little extra silliness involved in a lot of our bannings and how things were going down over there at the time, it’s just par for the course for TGP.

It’s been a blast, we’re coming up on year 2 this month, I believe. I dig the slow growth as it’s been able to keep the spirit of the forum intact. We only invited certain people here in the first few weeks because we knew what kind of vibe we were going for and overall I think we nailed that pretty well!
Well, way to go all! Let's keep it this way!
It was very much a case of “Oh yeah? We’ll just go make our own forum” after a bunch of us got banned over there. While there was a little extra silliness involved in a lot of our bannings and how things were going down over there at the time, it’s just par for the course for TGP.

It’s been a blast, we’re coming up on year 2 this month, I believe. I dig the slow growth as it’s been able to keep the spirit of the forum intact. We only invited certain people here in the first few weeks because we knew what kind of vibe we were going for and overall I think we nailed that pretty well!
Right on!
Seems like a lot of us came from the TGP D&M section. There seemed like a lot of increased tribalism and questionable posting that was bordering on product shills which resulted in that forum going downhill a fair amount. I got invited to join early on and it was a super fun virtual hang, basically the best posters without as much noise and trouble.

Then TGP seemed to have a rash of people getting banned and this site grew some more. It's still a pretty great hang even through the growth, so credit to Drew and JT and others.
I personally believe that Cliff Chase posting here is one of many testaments to the quality of this forum! I was never a TGP member, and have only been there I think twice to read peoples horror stories about their banning. I joined here because of the music challenge. Talking about gear is great, but creating and sharing the music made with that equipment is my core, so the challenge very much attracted me!! Rock on all, and post some music already (rather than just "Twerkin' On The Gear") ;~))
Seems like a lot of us came from the TGP D&M section. There seemed like a lot of increased tribalism and questionable posting that was bordering on product shills which resulted in that forum going downhill a fair amount. I got invited to join early on and it was a super fun virtual hang, basically the best posters without as much noise and trouble.

Then TGP seemed to have a rash of people getting banned and this site grew some more. It's still a pretty great hang even through the growth, so credit to Drew and JT and others.
At TOP I very rarely hung in the D&M section, I was more in the Sound Hound Lounge near the end. I started off at that site because I was into amp modding and diy amp building so mainly hung in the Amp tech section in the beginning. I never got banned or anything but was getting tired of the drama and on a whim someone from TGF posted a random shoutout to come over to this forum (i'm sure it got deleted shortly after lol). I was ready for a change and came over here. Glad I did because it energized me to get back into recording songs and writing more frequently.
I was just wondering what the story of the gear forum is ....

Seems like it was started a couple of years ago, by some outcasts from TOP, am I wrong?

I was hoping just to find out what the story actually was, for my own curiosity.

Thanks to anyone who answers! It is appreciated.
Cool that you're interested in the story, because there are quite many storys about all this. You have read the most fundematal parts already.

Mine is that I got sad because a TGP member I highly respected and looked up to suddenly was gone, and a bunch of what I consider forum friends alerted me to what happened. Then some of them started to drop out. Then I got an invite here early on, but waited a few weeks contemplating why I want to be on two idiot forums dealing with idiots. But yeah, I came here and felt better. Im still active on TGP though.... there's some really nice and great people over there. For me it's worth checking in there sometimes. But this is home.
Cool that you're interested in the story, because there are quite many storys about all this. You have read the most fundematal parts already.

Mine is that I got sad because a TGP member I highly respected and looked up to suddenly was gone, and a bunch of what I consider forum friends alerted me to what happened. Then some of them started to drop out. Then I got an invite here early on, but waited a few weeks contemplating why I want to be on two idiot forums dealing with idiots. But yeah, I came here and felt better. Im still active on TGP though.... there's some really nice and great people over there. For me it's worth checking in there sometimes. But this is home.
I don't play the sides and this place suits my needs and my personality.

I'm not into tribalism, per se, but that place seriously bothers me. I'm glad I am here. I am also glad I'm not there. If there is any info I need, Google will index it for me ..I'll read it and move along.

I like being serious when I need to, but that place is far too stiff in the collar for my taste...which is no collar, ever.

I'm glad this place exists and actually proud to be a part of it, and glad for the way it was put together.

I don't hold it against anyone if they are on other forums...their prerogative.

Thanks for the reply!👍
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