Question about that "Interface and Amp Sim Input Level Table" doc


Been trying to understand what this document means:

I'm using Helix Native on Studio One with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd gen, and I understand that the audio interface input should be set to 0, but regarding the "1" in the column "Line 6 Helix Native / Metallurgy", cell "Focusrite 2i2 (3rd Gen)", I'm a bit dubious.

As the row above all columns say "Set your interface gain to 0, and plugin input gain to this (use a trim plugin before the amp sim if its beyond the range of the plugin)", I did set Helix Native input gain to +1db, but while for my guitar that will give me an input level between -36/12db (as it should be), with my Harley Benton GuitarBass, I don't even reach -36db, as the pickups are quite low gain.

So, I see it talks about using a trim plugin to turn down the level of the signal, but in the HB GuitarBass I would need to do the opposite. Actually, I have to set the Helix Native input gain to the maximum (+18db) for the signal to be in the desired levels.

Does it make sense? Or should I just turn the Scarlett input gain up as needed and forget about that "set it to 0"?
Been trying to understand what this document means:

I'm using Helix Native on Studio One with a Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd gen, and I understand that the audio interface input should be set to 0, but regarding the "1" in the column "Line 6 Helix Native / Metallurgy", cell "Focusrite 2i2 (3rd Gen)", I'm a bit dubious.

As the row above all columns say "Set your interface gain to 0, and plugin input gain to this (use a trim plugin before the amp sim if its beyond the range of the plugin)", I did set Helix Native input gain to +1db, but while for my guitar that will give me an input level between -36/12db (as it should be), with my Harley Benton GuitarBass, I don't even reach -36db, as the pickups are quite low gain.

So, I see it talks about using a trim plugin to turn down the level of the signal, but in the HB GuitarBass I would need to do the opposite. Actually, I have to set the Helix Native input gain to the maximum (+18db) for the signal to be in the desired levels.

Does it make sense? Or should I just turn the Scarlett input gain up as needed and forget about that "set it to 0"?

Make sure you have instrument button selected.

Beyond that, what’s your goal? Do you want helix native to behave the same as a hardware Helix (where the modelling would correspond most accurately to the real reference amps)?

In that situation I’d put the gain at 0. The output of your pickups does sound suspiciously low though, when you use real amps/pedals are you gaining them up 20dB before the amp too?
Make sure you have instrument button selected.

Beyond that, what’s your goal? Do you want helix native to behave the same as a hardware Helix (where the modelling would correspond most accurately to the real reference amps)?

In that situation I’d put the gain at 0. The output of your pickups does sound suspiciously low though, when you use real amps/pedals are you gaining them up 20dB before the amp too?
It is set to instrument, yeah.

I was wrong: I only needed 7db input gain, not 18. Sorry for that.

Regarding the goal, I'm doing this as I understood that "it's how it's meant to be used"😅