Audio Interface Question


Rock Star
At risk of starting another input gain thread, what do you all normally set your audio interface at gain wise when using a modeler such as the Axe Fx?

I don't even know what dbu mine interface is at 🤣

Is it most accurate to have the gain all the way down? I just feel lost. Of course, using your ears is the best method but I'd like to standardize it
Using AxeFx as my interface when recording electric guitar/bass. Then I switch to RME Babyface for vocals etc.
@MirrorProfiles to the rescue!

superman flying GIF by Clay Rodery
At risk of starting another input gain thread, what do you all normally set your audio interface at gain wise when using a modeler such as the Axe Fx?

I don't even know what dbu mine interface is at 🤣

Is it most accurate to have the gain all the way down? I just feel lost. Of course, using your ears is the best method but I'd like to standardize it
are you using the interface as a DI or the Axe FX?
Guitar input into axe fx then Running the axe fx output to the the audio interface....does that answer your question? 🤣
Using the analog outs or digital?

and you want to record DI’s and reamp with the Axe FX right? or you’re just recording the output of the AxeFX normally?
Using the analog outs or digital?

and you want to record DI’s and reamp with the Axe FX right? or you’re just recording the output of the AxeFX normally?
Analog outs. Nah, just simply recording the output. Just not sure if I should keep the gain knob on my interface all the way down to get the most accurate representation of the axe fx or?
Analog outs. Nah, just simply recording the output. Just not sure if I should keep the gain knob on my interface all the way down to get the most accurate representation of the axe fx or?
Doesn’t really make a difference. I’d just leave the outputs maxed out on the axe fx and go into the line in’s on your interface. Gain stage within your presets to whatever you like