Potential Mesa Reissues? IIC+ and Dual Rec

Fawwwwwwkkkkkk I want one.
Yes it sucks to buy Mesa in Europe. Will probably around $3500 in the US:

Not sure what the VAT is in the UK, but in Sweden it's 25%. If you take 3699£ / 1.25 = 2959£. Converted to USD that would be $3773.
Considering transport cost, the markup isn't that much?
Still gonna kick major wads of ass I'm sure, but don't go be buying one thinking you're anywhere near
to tasting the nectar of that original runs of IICs from the 80s.

I wonder if they did anything with the channel and master tapers to make it sound better at bedroom level, with a master that's not just an on off switch. I was confused af to find no master on the VII, but they smoothed the channel tapers onset so well you don't need it. there's still violence available but you have to ask for it, vs nervously coaxing the pot to pass some signal without getting immediately blown away
I wonder if they did anything with the channel and master tapers to make it sound better at bedroom level, with a master that's not just an on off switch. I was confused af to find no master on the VII, but they smoothed the channel tapers onset so well you don't need it. there's still violence available but you have to ask for it, vs nervously coaxing the pot to pass some signal without getting immediately blown away

I lost interest in the RL/IR options on my captor over time, but that -20db attenuator has become invaluable for using my Mark IV outside of gigs/band practice. That master output knob is lethal and a hilariously awful taper :LOL:
I wonder if they did anything with the channel and master tapers to make it sound better at bedroom level, with a master that's not just an on off switch. I was confused af to find no master on the VII, but they smoothed the channel tapers onset so well you don't need it. there's still violence available but you have to ask for it, vs nervously coaxing the pot to pass some signal without getting immediately blown away
This made me chuckle thinking about how I’m sometimes scared to touch the master volume on my Mark III when playing at home. There’s a point just after 1 on the master where it goes from human conversational levels to Godzilla conversational levels. I’ve physically jumped a number of times dialing in that amp.
This made me chuckle thinking about how I’m sometimes scared to touch the master volume on my Mark III when playing at home. There’s a point just after 1 on the master where it goes from human conversational levels to Godzilla conversational levels. I’ve physically jumped a number of times dialing in that amp.
That's actually ridiculous that Mesa didn't use a better pot in those important positions in those old amps.
RectoIR88 (done the X88IR way instead of dumb cab clone implementation) would be instabuy for me. Zero hesitation.
According to Axe Palace the multi watt recto is being discontinued. Hoping that means an updated version of some kind is dropping? Hopefully they're not just leaving us with the RI

The MW has been in production for 15 years now, seems like about the time historically for product life cycle update

maybe @paisleywookiee has some "guesses" about this topic :LOL:
Unlike a Mark, I just can't stand playing the Recto at low volumes. Sounds great loud tho...
There is definitely a threshold with that amp where it opens up. Not sure my 2nd floor jam room meets those requirements but we're gonna find out :ROFLMAO:
If they'd reissue the Triple Recto Rev F with a chrome chassis and black faceplate I'd flip. I'd probably preorder one.

Mark IIC+ reissue is cool, chrome chassis Dual Recto Rev F reissue is cool, but damn a Triple Recto Rev F reissue in that format would be incredible.