Overdrive pedal recommendation

Behringer may be a good option, having a large switch similar to Boss (but plastic) - maybe an OD300 or TO800. They even do a Klone.

Nux Steel Singer, Plexi Crunch or Recto may suit (these are not mini pedals, which I ruled out).

I already have my SD-1 for times when I need the mids boosted in my signal.

I am looking for a pedal with 2 band EQ, or adjustable bass or a mids knob.
Most cheap drive pedals have a Tone control, not even bass and treble. The Nux Recto has bass and treble. I haven't seen a cheap one with mids.

Maybe an EQ?
The OD-3 is a great pedal, it would be my grab and go OD for most things. I've found in a band mix you really need to crank the tone knob up to cut through better. Keeping the gain lower also helps in that regard, it will start to lose it's clarity and compress if set too high. But, it's a relatively well-balanced pedal imo with the mids slightly shifted toward the lower side which gives it that nice grunt and punch, whereas something like the SD-1 or a TS9 are more focused in the upper mids which can cut well -- but those aren't always great with certain amps.

One thing that's also a good option is installing a simple bass cut control in the guitar. Being able to cut the lows adds versatility with gain pedals. I use it on a lot of my guitars.
I think having to use your volume control on your guitar is often a better
outcome than switching on/off pedals, which can offer up a pretty drastic

"Oh, there it is!"

"Oh, there it goes!"


Unless a song calls for that drastic and abrupt tonal shift, then it's ok. Most
songs don't, though, and a smoother and more seamless alteration of gain
and saturation via the volume control on a guitar is :chef

I know you said last resort, or worst case scenario. I personally wish more
guitarists knew how to do that. I think they'd benefit, too. :idk
I think having to use your volume control on your guitar is often a better
outcome than switching on/off pedals, which can offer up a pretty drastic

"Oh, there it is!"

"Oh, there it goes!"


Unless a song calls for that drastic and abrupt tonal shift, then it's ok. Most
songs don't, though, and a smoother and more seamless alteration of gain
and saturation via the volume control on a guitar is :chef

I know you said last resort, or worst case scenario. I personally wish more
guitarists knew how to do that. I think they'd benefit, too. :idk

I have manipulated my guitar's volume knob a few times when I forgot to bring my pedals with me. One time I was plugged into a Deluxe Reverb. It takes practice.

Mentally for me, it's easier to use a pedal to add and remove dirt, stepping on and off it.
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I have compiled a list of pedals to try in a store/ find one of them used online:

JHS Charlie Brown
(Angry Charlie has more gain than I need)
Nobels ODR-1X
Caline Pure sky
Caline Orange Burst
AIONFX Andromeda
(Friend can build it)
All of those are well over $100 Australian. ODR-1X = $299, Charlie Brown = $319

I was going for really cheap. Sorry.
All of those are well over $100 Australian. ODR-1X = $299, Charlie Brown = $319

I was going for really cheap. Sorry.

I don't know the exchange rate.

It will be hard to find a used ODR-1X or Charlie Brown for 100$ but if its like only 20$ more, I will go for it.

Caline and AIONFX which my friend can build are surely affordable though.
There's not too much choice there. Also, one might like to switch things simultaneously.

I will have to sell my SD-1, buy an OD-3 and an EQ pedal and use the EQ for mid boosting when I need to be heard.

It's an option I am considering, but then I will have to go for an EQ pedal with knobs rather than sliders.

They are not easy to clean. Friend has an EHX POG3. She is quite into metal so she needs this pedal. I have seen her clean it with a light hand and often.
Check the new Nobels ODR-Mini 2. Has an additional bass control and comes at €77 over here. I own the previous version and it's pretty nice - just boomy in some situations, so a bass control is every bit what the doctor ordered.
Interesting. Wonder how this compares to the other models?

I have the anniversary with the low cut and really like it but amps respond to it very different from other boost pedals I have.
I have the anniversary with the low cut and really like it but amps respond to it very different from other boost pedals I have.

Yeah, that's defenitely the case. For my use cases, it sounds best with the Stomp's Grammatico GSG, regardless of whether I insert a low cut between it and the amp or not.
But I actually happen to like its character. Here's some quick noodling recorded the day I got it:

In this case, I like the kinda "bloomy" low end character, but it's kinda easy to imagine how a bit of low end taming would help it in some situations, especially when running into a clean amp not somewhat "eating up" the low end energy (which the Grammatico model is doing).
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