Oh my...
I was out on a boat with some friends back in the 90's, and met this guy who happened to live in the house, that a famous baseball player that I had framed his new house, used to live in. Small world.
So we got to talking, and turns out he's a guitar player, but didn't really play any more. And yet he still had his old gigging amp, a Marshall 50 watt head and a 4x12 cab. I asked, and he said yes. So I bought both for $200. (His price.) It might have been the 100 watt head. I just can't remember.
I already had a 50 watt JCM 900 with a 4x12 cab, and I wanted a stereo rig (after playing my amp together with 2 other Marshalls at my house- other guitar player's amps that they left at my house, since we were currently trying to form a band.)
But I was so naive about those old Marshalls, that I didn't know what I had. I do remember it was NMV, maybe an old JTM or JMP. I never even took any pictures of it. But the guy who sold it to me said he bought it used in the 70's as a set, and the cab had the original 25 watt Greenbacks.
So what did I do, when I couldn't get it to break up like I wanted? I traded both my Marshall heads for a Mesa Stereo 50/50, and bought an ADA MP-1, so I could play in stereo, with a smaller rig.
Knowing what I know now, I should've kept that old Marshall and the cab!