Ones that got away - amp edition


Rock Star
What amps do you most regret letting go of? If you could get just ONE of them back, what would it be?

Thinking about so many amps from the past I wish I still had today…
Laney GH100L, with matching cabinet.

Sold it 15 years ago, while in college, for rent and food.....took a ding on it....and now to replace it new.....psshhhh ...I paid 1350 out the door for head and cab in 1998....can't get the head for that now.
There are two for me. The first is a brownface (w/wheat grille) Bassman head I gigged with from ca. 1971-75, the second a Marshall 50W combo (NMV, w/6550s) I played from 1980-83. I modded the Marshall to add a gain stage, a second tone stack, drive controls at two different points in the signal chain, and a pre-PI MV. If I had to narrow it to just one, it would be the Bassman.
^^^Funny. I had that same amp and don't miss it.


There's a Marshall out there I wish I didn't have to sell, but it
helped me survive in a challenging time, so I truly appreciate
the sacrifice it made to keep me in house and home. :beer

Outside of that, not many, and I have been through a few piles
of amps in my time.

I don't even miss the MKIII or IV, because I have a V and it can
get me in the ballpark of either and then some.

I had a Nuno Randall Head and an RG100ES that I wouldn't mind
having back just because. That Nuno head was the darkest SOB
I have ever heard in my life. Very unique aesthetic and cool with
that VU Meter, though. They were cheap as dirt once upon a time.
No major regrets. I wouldn't mind having an early silverface Bassman head back though. I didn't know any better back then.
Oh my...

I was out on a boat with some friends back in the 90's, and met this guy who happened to live in the house, that a famous baseball player that I had framed his new house, used to live in. Small world.

So we got to talking, and turns out he's a guitar player, but didn't really play any more. And yet he still had his old gigging amp, a Marshall 50 watt head and a 4x12 cab. I asked, and he said yes. So I bought both for $200. (His price.) It might have been the 100 watt head. I just can't remember.

I already had a 50 watt JCM 900 with a 4x12 cab, and I wanted a stereo rig (after playing my amp together with 2 other Marshalls at my house- other guitar player's amps that they left at my house, since we were currently trying to form a band.)

But I was so naive about those old Marshalls, that I didn't know what I had. I do remember it was NMV, maybe an old JTM or JMP. I never even took any pictures of it. But the guy who sold it to me said he bought it used in the 70's as a set, and the cab had the original 25 watt Greenbacks.

So what did I do, when I couldn't get it to break up like I wanted? I traded both my Marshall heads for a Mesa Stereo 50/50, and bought an ADA MP-1, so I could play in stereo, with a smaller rig.

Knowing what I know now, I should've kept that old Marshall and the cab!
I'm also where It dont get any better for my needs, really only thing missing is 2 Axes
But then again i can't regret anything Ive never owned a real amp per say, besides a short stint with a Katana 50 and dont regret selling that
Soultone Wilbur 18/20 was a pretty cool amp and kind of rare. I still have one of his 50 watt bass spec plexis but it needs to be fixed.
Modeling tones aside, there are 3 great tones I've been able to experience, that came from amps.

One was my Marshall half-stack miked at a fairly large club, and hearing it coming from the side-fills, and back at me through the PA during sound check the first time, was something I'll never forget...

Two was simply my buddy's 100 watt Plexi dimed, and...

Three, which I still do from time to time (when I feel like wheeling it outside & hooking it all up), is my Tri Axis & 2:90, along with the AF3 for stereo effects, cranked towards the woods behind my house, and hearing that sound reverberating through the trees, as I walk around playing in my yard, using my wireless.

:chef :chef :chef :chef

Ive never owned a real amp per say