NDSP Quad Cortex

I use a DC7 and Crux. Wonder if I'd have the same issue. I'd test it but am right in the middle of a move so everything is all packed up and/or in a state of chaos. No idea where my headphones are.

It's a well known issue, as far as i know - people were complaning about ground loops right after the QC first launched.

I never experienced it on mine, but i had a USB cable connected to the device at all times (yes, i was expecting the editor to launch soon...)
Just asking, as you literally have nothing good to say about it man. Whatever makes you happy though.
OK. Let me just illustrate something here..... in short succession I made two posts:

"This is really cool"

And this one:

"This is bad"

... and you chose to focus on the second one, and completely ignore the first one. So who has the issue here really?? What is your deal really?? Why are you so quick to judge people who aren't 100% happy with this thing?? Why are you acting like a fanboi who can't handle different opinions??

I've clearly said multiple times I was thinking of buying another one. I've also clearly said that I have owned one before, and I posted proof too. I've also clearly laid out the issues I had the first time round, and how the reports of hardware problems, crashes, freezes and the like, give me a lot of reservations about buying another one.

So "literally have nothing good to say about it" is just not the reality at all. If you go back through my posting here on the QC, I've said a lot of good things about it in the past, and doubtless I will again in the future. I've also talked about the bad things, and I've also made acerbic jokes at Neural's expense. But none of this changes the fact that I'm currently considering a purchase, and I'm doing my research. Hence posting that noise video.
OK. Let me just illustrate something here..... in short succession I made two posts:

"This is really cool"

And this one:

"This is bad"

... and you chose to focus on the second one, and completely ignore the first one. So who has the issue here really?? What is your deal really?? Why are you so quick to judge people who aren't 100% happy with this thing?? Why are you acting like a fanboi who can't handle different opinions??

I've clearly said multiple times I was thinking of buying another one. I've also clearly said that I have owned one before, and I posted proof too. I've also clearly laid out the issues I had the first time round, and how the reports of hardware problems, crashes, freezes and the like, give me a lot of reservations about buying another one.

So "literally have nothing good to say about it" is just not the reality at all. If you go back through my posting here on the QC, I've said a lot of good things about it in the past, and doubtless I will again in the future. I've also talked about the bad things, and I've also made acerbic jokes at Neural's expense. But none of this changes the fact that I'm currently considering a purchase, and I'm doing my research. Hence posting that noise video.
few things

- not a fanboi. not at all. I enjoy the QC. Simple. That's it.
- no issues, no judgement. You seem to be VERY negative. about the QC. Calling it as I see it here - in this thread. Didn't intend to hurt your feelings.
- for something that I don't like, I just wouldn't spend a ton of time in a thread, slagging it. It's just weird.
- yeah, not scrolling back through your posts. I'm good.

few things

- not a fanboi. not at all. I enjoy the QC. Simple. That's it.
- no issues, no judgement. You seem to be VERY negative. about the QC. Calling it as I see it here - in this thread. Didn't intend to hurt your feelings.
- for something that I don't like, I just wouldn't spend a ton of time in a thread, slagging it. It's just weird.
Sarcastic Hold On GIF by Amazon miniTV

@Orvillain owned a QC before.
He had problems with the unit.
He is considering to get another one.
He wants to know if those problems are resolved.
Thus, he is posting in this thread where the QC owners hang around to get this information.

How is one supposed to do that without raising those issues and being "negative"?

And it is good info for other prospective owners, e.g. yours truly.
Sarcastic Hold On GIF by Amazon miniTV

@Orvillain owned a QC before.
He had problems with the unit.
He is considering to get another one.
He wants to know if those problems are resolved.
Thus, he is posting in this thread where the QC owners hang around to get this information.

How is one supposed to do that without raising those issues and being "negative"?

And it is good info for other prospective owners, e.g. yours truly.
Fair enough. Just tried of so much negativity lately.

@Orvillain - it appears I was out of line and I apologize.
QC screen works great for me. It's not an iPhone but it doesn't have to be. It's a hell of a lot better than the Headrush which is the only other screen I've used. Better contrast, off angle visibility, resolution, and responsiveness.

This guys presets sound great, and I really like the fact he shows you the workflow of switching in and out of the looper. Very cool!

The Looper is awesome. There is one bug that's been there since day 1 of the Looper that drives me crazy, though. If you're in the Looper view the footswitches override Scenes/ Stomps/ Hybrid/ whatever and map to the Looper controls (Record, Play, etc...) as expected. But if, from there, you click the "Params" button to bring up the Looper settings (a very useful place to hang out, since you've got playback level, MIDI Clock settings, etc. right there), the footswitches stop firing as Looper events, and cascade up to fire as Scenes/ Stomps/ Hybrid events instead. This is true with both the onboard switches and with external MIDI controllers mapped to fire those same switches. It's fucking maddening, and it really ought to be an easy fix.
The Looper is awesome. There is one bug that's been there since day 1 of the Looper that drives me crazy, though. If you're in the Looper view the footswitches override Scenes/ Stomps/ Hybrid/ whatever and map to the Looper controls (Record, Play, etc...) as expected. But if, from there, you click the "Params" button to bring up the Looper settings (a very useful place to hang out, since you've got playback level, MIDI Clock settings, etc. right there), the footswitches stop firing as Looper events, and cascade up to fire as Scenes/ Stomps/ Hybrid events instead. This is true with both the onboard switches and with external MIDI controllers mapped to fire those same switches. It's fucking maddening, and it really ought to be an easy fix.
That sucks. How long has it been like that??
I hadn't realised that they'd changed the scene mode parameter assignment stuff.

At least I'm pretty sure that at launch all parameters were tied to scenes. So if you wanted to use scenes, you'd have to update a parameter in all 8 scenes if you wanted to change its 'global' value (IE: all scenes have the same value)

But now if you press and hold on a parameter it will assign it to scenes... ie: if it isn't part of the scenes assignment, then you can just set the parameter on a single scene and it will always apply.

That was one of those workflow things that I remember really annoying me. Glad they've fixed it.
Hmm, the punch in option for the loop is quite cool. The duplicate functionality is pretty sick too.

Does anyone know if you can re-arrange the assignments of the various looper functions to the footswitches? IE: Could you put the punch in along the front row? Can you trigger the looper from midi CC's ??