Mooer Prime P2


I saw this on YT last night and thought it looked pretty cool, not that I need it but just seemed to have a lot of bang for the buck. I have been watching this guy for while on his tutorial videos, mainly Led Zep, and IMO, he is pretty good for the way I learn plus I like his humor.

Anyway, anyone have any experience with this or the P1?

I saw this on YT last night and thought it looked pretty cool, not that I need it but just seemed to have a lot of bang for the buck. I have been watching this guy for while on his tutorial videos, mainly Led Zep, and IMO, he is pretty good for the way I learn plus I like his humor.

Anyway, anyone have any experience with this or the P1?

does that guys smug face just make you want to slap him?
does that guys smug face just make you want to slap him?
Not really, I have seen enough of his videos to think he is just trying to be funny and that is his personality. Check out some of his tutorial videos and you may think the same. IMO, he is a hell of a guitar player and has a lot of Led Zep tutorials that are pretty accurate.

BTW, it's only $250 and you can play it in stereo...
Not really, I have seen enough of his videos to think he is just trying to be funny and that is his personality. Check out some of his tutorial videos and you may think the same. IMO, he is a hell of a guitar player and has a lot of Led Zep tutorials that are pretty accurate.

BTW, it's only $250 and you can play it in stereo...
reminds me of a new age yoga teacher dude
Ola did his thing with one - definitely seems like fantastic bang for the buck...

Anyone get one yet?
I’ve got one. I went back and forth on it for the first couple of weeks, but all in all, I’m glad I bought it. I got mine pretty cheap via Ali Express, though; I wouldn’t pay full price, personally.

It takes some work to get it to sound and feel right. Worth hunting around for your preferred amp and cab profiles. (IR variants; I forget Mooer’s file types for each.) Amp modeling isn’t going to win any awards, but it’s pretty amazing building a full signal chain in a device this small and cheap.

Cheap is an operative word here: it’s true that an iPhone, for instance, will deliver all this and more in an even smaller form factor, BUT it will cost you more, and it won’t arrive with a 1/4” input, 1/4” out, and stereo phones out. (Don’t get me started on that last bit.) You’ll need an external interface and cable(s) for that.

Conversely, the touchscreen on the P2 does almost nothing. A missed opportunity. I hope they’ll leverage it further in a f/w update, but at this price I won’t hold my breath. What I’d REALLY like is an iPhone in these dimensions with these same I/O jacks on it. That would be a godsend for digital guitarists. (Side note: unfortunately the P2 will not act as a Class Compliant audio interface for your iPhone, iPad, etc.)

All of this boils down to chasing after a portable practice solution, and then of course you have to play through headphones (probably the in-ear variety) in order for that pursuit to make any sense. Headphones suck for guitar, but the minute you plug in e.g. a powered monitor it begs the question: why aren’t you just using a little practice amp instead? There are just so many alternatives these days…
Have you tried any of the various iPhone/iPad interfaces? I've spent A LOT of time with many of them, from IK, Apogee, Presonus, Steinberg, etc. They've got much, much better as time goes on, and are worth a try/revisit.

See this is a massive, massive fail IMO. You can't use this to record to an iPhone or iPad? So then to record anything I'm carrying a laptop, a laptop that's got every amp plugin known to man? Uh........

That said, I admire the effort they're putting in, and hope they fix some of these things.

What I'd like to see is a switchless Stomp with a 6" touchscreen that's both class compliant and offers a smartphone app. That'd be a win.
It’s got some limited functionality to this effect. If I’m not already confusing the P2 with some other product, they call it “direct recording mode” or something like that. But it’s not a full-featured implementation where you can route dry audio to iOS and get processed audio back, as you would with a dedicated audio interface. At least, this was the conclusion I came to after some quick testing - I could be wrong?

I’ve been using a first gen iRig HD for iOS for ages. I’m amazed it still works. Too cheap to upgrade lol. I use it almost exclusively to route dry guitar to Jam Origin to trigger synths, so audio quality isn’t a huge concern.