I guess, for the function functionality I expected…the toggle status needs to be reseted at leaving a preset. Seems to me the toggle status is global. So when the toggle status in preset 1 is “not toggeld”, when I go to preset 2 it goes to its toggled messages.
I think I understand now:
With the current software, each Preset’s Toggle State (On / Off)
will not reset when you switch to another Preset. This is useful for switching individual effects on / off, like with a pedalboard, where
each state is remembered. Also useful for triggering MIDI Notes / Chords with Boss GM800 / synths etc
For your use case with the Kemper, you want a Preset's Toggle State (On / Off)
always reset back to On (but not sending out any MIDI) whenever you switch away from it. And when you come back to that Preset again, the 1st click is always for sending the On state, 2nd click is for sending the Off state and so on, until you switch away from it again. Am I right ?
This is easy to implement with an additional option inside the Toggle Menu.
To be clear…I’m not aiming to control multiple Gravitons at once…I want to control whatever Graviton I powered on, without having to pair the controller every time.
Yes that also possible, I'll add it into the list.
Am I correct that selection of “fixed preset” means that that whatever you make them do…will apply to every preset?..so a global setting for the EC?
Am I correct, that eventhough it’s a global setting….the values of that global setting are entered in 1 specific preset?
Yes correct,
- Fixed Preset: you can assign an XY Switch / Footswitch / Rotary Encoder to 1 of 120 Presets available. And these buttons will only trigger MIDI messages in that specific Preset (fixed function), no matter what the current Bank is.
- Bank Preset: Run the Preset in the designated position (1st to 10th) in the current Bank. This Preset will change accordingly when scrolling through Banks.
Each system operates differently, so the terminologies are a bit different. Like switching between Mac / Windows / iOS / Android
feature request for the EC:
scroll PC with push of the rotary
You can set it up like this:
1. Add a Scrolling PC + Message into a Preset, rename that Preset: "PC Scroll Up".
2. Add a Scrolling PC - Message into a Preset, rename that Preset: "PC Scroll Down".
3. In EC Controllers Screen > Long Tap on a Push Button > Assign Action > Fixed Preset > Select the "PC Scroll Up / Down" Preset created above.
The +PC does not seem to work when placed behind an encoder.
Yes correct, an Encoder message is for changing a "normal" PC / CC / CV message value after it.
Scrolling PC / CC message can change their value by themselves, without the need of an Encoder message at the front, and keep their current value internally even when switching to another preset.
Each type has a different use case.
Feature request for the live menu:
On change of a value with an encoder, or expression value….show the value in the live screen
Added to the list !
I can select relay on the M1 and select TRS1….does that actually do relay switching of external devices?
Only the M2 has built-in Relay Port,
For the M1, you need the RV adapter plugged into that TRS 1 Jack.
CC+ for example…1 preset handeling that..when you max it out in preset x…and then switch to another preset…cause its maxed…it no longer does anything.…while the setting in the controlled unit is not maxed out.
Scrolling CC / PC messages
keep track of their current value internally, even when switching between different Presets.
If you want to reset / change their internal counters, you can use Scrolling CC / PC Jump messages.
Or maybe in this case, you want them to send their maxed value repeatedly when triggered ?
(I’d like the ability to define some Xy as “stomps”…doing their thing in all presets of a bank, that would solve that)
Is that the same as triggering an XY Switch assigned to a Fixed Preset ? Except I'm assuming you want it to happen in the background without updating the screen, or the current preset ? That could be an option as well.
How do control CV with dedicated expression pedal on the M2?
When I add the same exp CV in an expression preset from the expression page, I can see the connect expression pedal controls the item…bit it does not effect the connected unit. All the settings are the same as in the exp CV that worked from the preset.
Yes assigning a specific TRS Jack to a dedicated Expression Preset is the correct setup for this. The output voltage doesn't change because of a bug fixed 4.1.2. Can you update and try again ?
Secondery question, is it possible to define exp controls per preset where you define which trs controls it?
Yes you can add an "Expression Preset" (Page 3) message to a normal Preset, where you can define which TRS can control which Expression Preset.
Feature request: when you add an action in a preset that can be controlled by an expression /EC, let the user define in the preset what controls the action. (Exp1, EC channel)
add…If preset contains controlling a CC exp or ec..the global assignment of the exp pedal is overruled.
Can you give a more specific example ?