I'll give you 5 of my favourites in the box and then 5 hardware units that I think complement the Axe
FAS drives;
- Griddle Cake. Versatile but still with it's own flavour. So glad they added it as it's one of my favourite real world drives.
- Octave Distortion. Nasty and disgusting in all the right ways. Ultimate character tones!
- Klone Chiron. Is Klon. Is good.
- Face fuzz. Pair with a Plexi and some delay for the EJ thing. Pair with a Recto for Doom.
- CC Boost & Grinder in the amp block. Not technically drives but they're my go to boosts!
5 real drive/filth pedals I love sticking in front of the Axe.
- Source Audio Ultrawave. Does standard fuzz stuff all the way through to synth style waveshaping/trem stuff. Stereo is a bonus.
- Way Huge Atriedes. Like a POG and a Swollen Pickle had a meth-baby.
- Crowther Hot Cake. See Griddle Cake above.
- Crazy Tube Circuits Super Conductor. Rangemaster/Echoplex pre/Microamp/Super hard On in one pedal. Love it into a Marshall.
- Anarchy Audio Vagiant. My first fuzz and the first pedal I ever demo'd. Made by one of my mates here in Perth too.