Posted this in another thread, but I just listened to all of Scenes From a Memory for the first time in like ten years and it's still friggin great.
First time hearing it on properly nice studio monitors, too. Now I want to watch the live DVD again (for the 30th time).
I've told this story before, but not here, so here we go-
If you press Play and look at the dude on the left who starts talking to someone and laughing, that's an 18-year old Drew standing in line at that show. (hat, glasses, grey/green shirt....I'm partially colorblind, I dunno

That was the 2nd time they played the Roseland on that tour, both times I got there around 9AM to make sure I could stand directly in front of Petrucci. I had to fight for that spot a LOT harder than I anticipated for a DT show, the whole night you'd have some kid as dorky as me trying to push me out of the way, I had more bruises on my chest from those shows than I did any time I ever saw Korn or Pantera while holding that rail for dear life. The timestamp in this section starts with the 3 buds I made in line then me with my mouth hangin' open all stupid-
I met some dudes the first time and when I went back in August for LSFNY they were already in line, it was like a family reunion. The whole feeling in the air that day was something else; every DT fan was so damn stoked about SFAM and it was in the midst of DT coming out of the Falling Into Infinity slump, but the fact we were all going to be there for the DVD was an added excitement. One dude and I walked into the front doors and no one stopped us, we kept walking in towards the stage, no one said a word, we ended up walking backstage, into catering, their dressing rooms, watched the linecheck from the balcony then walked out without a single person even looking at us funny. We walked out in just enough time to meet the band coming off the bus, which you can see here-
Such a crazy show. It was every bit as epic as you'd imagine it'd be live. When that choir came out with Theresa, man there wasn't a dry eye in the place. Everyone was exhausted, band and audience. The air was so hot and thick, man, I'm not sure I've ever felt something like that since. Or smelled anything like it. The smell of that night and standing outside the venue hits me every time I think about that show.
Funnily, I didn't own a DVD player when that DVD came out and the VHS didn't have the BTS footage on it. It was out for 1-2 years before I even knew I made it into the footage and then I sh*t my pants at how much you actually see me. Almost every street interview they do I'm standing right behind the person. Really cool memento from a really amazing night. I was a BIG DT fan leading up to this, but this show is what made me fanatical for the next 3-4 years.