Incoming New Speakers


New 10s. Been playing my Vibrolux through my Greenback cab. And while I know construction differences, speaker size, etc are all things and factors, I decided to stop F-ing around and get some Creamback 10s. I like American voiced speakers for cleans but ultimately I’m not big on them for drive tones. Just not my thing. I became a Celestion guy years ago and need to accept that I am a Celestion guy. Even in Fender amps. So Creamback 10s. Should be here Wednesday.
Congrats! I don’t think you’ll be disappointed

My only regret with creambacks is not trying them out sooner :love

I’ve had the H75s in a 2x12 forever. Should have went with them first instead of the Jensens. Could’ve saved some time and aggravation. But yes I think I’ll be happy. I’ve been happy running the amp into the 4x12 as is and honestly, super phat mod set up like Ben’s BD-2 plus Les Paul plus EQD Disaster Transport (think Memory Man like delay) has been where I’m living. And it’s wonderful.
Congrats! :cheers

I put some Greenbacks in my Vibrolux Reissue. Those Celestion V Types were turdtastic!

I am curious about the Creamback 10" speaks, and just found a pair on Reverb. I may have. :idk :grin:clint
Got em installed. I do like these more than the Silverbirds off the bat. There’s still a prominent low mid thing going on that I’m not a fan of but that could just be part of the nature of 10s? I’ve heard it in every pair I’ve put in this cab. Amp does sound better with drives though. I’m liking it more in that regard. I think after 3 rounds of speakers I may need to accept that I’m just not a 10 guy on their own. I think I prefer 12s. That being said, I can still run this with my 1960A on the 4 ohm input in mono with the extension out. And to be honest both together sound amazing. So I’ll keep these and see how they age in. May get better. Again, there’s things I do like about them vs the Jensens I had. I may just not be a 10 fan. I may eventually look into getting a headcab for the amp and storing the combo cab. Because I do like the amp a lot. Especially with 12s.

And to be honest they could also just need a lot of play time to flex and break in and the few hours I tried them so far isn’t enough to make a total judgement call. So I’ll beat these up in tandem with my 4x12 for a while.
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Glad your (sort of) digging them. Never tried a 10” speaker so that’s out of my wheelhouse!

Yeah they got better the more I played them. So there’s that. Definitely an improvement over the Jensens with not as much time. So I’ll keep abusing them and working them in. If I do a head conversion it won’t be until next year anyway. Plus I’m not gigging or in a band right now anyway. Just chasing tones for my own enjoyment.
Upon further review today after a good sleep and an hour of play time, I am digging these. They’re sweetening up nicely. And when paired with my greenback 4x12 it sounds incredible. I think these are gonna live in this combo for some time and break in nicely. I think my Vibrolux is a wonderful grab and go amp now, more so than it was, but adding an extension cab to it makes it phenomenal. I think instead of a head conversion I’ll just start thinking about getting a used Bandmaster or Tremolux head.
Upon further review today after a good sleep and an hour of play time, I am digging these. They’re sweetening up nicely. And when paired with my greenback 4x12 it sounds incredible. I think these are gonna live in this combo for some time and break in nicely. I think my Vibrolux is a wonderful grab and go amp now, more so than it was, but adding an extension cab to it makes it phenomenal. I think instead of a head conversion I’ll just start thinking about getting a used Bandmaster or Tremolux head.

Bandmasters are so awesome. Wish I still had mine. Just peeked on reverb and surprised/happy to see they can still be had for below $1k
Bandmasters are so awesome. Wish I still had mine. Just peeked on reverb and surprised/happy to see they can still be had for below $1k
You can even still get decent bassman heads these days....vintage even....for surprisingly good value....

Not a better pedal platform clean combo anywhere, really.
You can even still get decent bassman heads these days....vintage even....for surprisingly good value....

Not a better pedal platform clean combo anywhere, really.
Yeah I did want a SF Bassman for a while. Still do actually. I just like having the amp trem Fenders have. Even the SF amps have great tremolo and it sounds better than any pedal I’ve tried. So I’d take a Bassman or Bandmaster at the right price. It would also be taking a trip to the tech as well so I would factor that in.
Yeah I did want a SF Bassman for a while. Still do actually. I just like having the amp trem Fenders have. Even the SF amps have great tremolo and it sounds better than any pedal I’ve tried. So I’d take a Bassman or Bandmaster at the right price. It would also be taking a trip to the tech as well so I would factor that in.
Same's all Ian Thornley's fault, for me anyway😂😂
I recently discovered All Them Witches and have been obsessed with Ben McLeod’s guitar sounds. And I don’t have a Twin with WGS Blackhawks so I’m trying to make due with what I have. But I’ve come to love this style of rig. I’ve been an amp distortion guy for years but BF/SF Fenders don’t have high gain distortion channels/modes. So this route I’ve been using more pedals and different pedals than I’ve used before, exploring more into effects and just really approaching my rig and sounds differently than I have with my other amps.
I recently discovered All Them Witches and have been obsessed with Ben McLeod’s guitar sounds. And I don’t have a Twin with WGS Blackhawks so I’m trying to make due with what I have. But I’ve come to love this style of rig. I’ve been an amp distortion guy for years but BF/SF Fenders don’t have high gain distortion channels/modes. So this route I’ve been using more pedals and different pedals than I’ve used before, exploring more into effects and just really approaching my rig and sounds differently than I have with my other amps.

Didn’t know that’s what he was using, perhaps the Blackhawk should be a contender for my DR…