I'll Have Some of What Josh Smith is smoking...

I can't quite say if it's genius or awful. Like it has a good way of showing what presets are doing and seems relatively straightforward. I wish they had made it visually mor eminimalistic because that background graphic does not help.

The few demos I listened don't sound that great to me though no matter where they point the sliders. I'm sure this will appeal to someone, but not me.
Hmmm, I’d prefer mine with ancient runes so I can summon demons and sh*t when stepping on it. I can’t read those either, so it’d have the same effect as the current graphic. I don’t have time to watch all this but I saw you can jump between transistors, which is pretty interesting. I’ll definitely look into this a little more even though the absolute last thing I need is another dirt pedal.
The synth style filters and modulation are my favourite things about this. Loki from Poly would be a pretty interesting person to have on here for an AMA @JiveTurkey