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Same. I don't do Headphones. Ever. I hate them with a passion of someone on the Carnivore Diet
going to a Vegan's home to eat.
If I have had to track something in isolation and need to wear them, ok? But for pleasure or
enjoyment they are the least enjoyable of all monitoring solutions. For me.
I do own about 4 or 5 pair, though----because spending more money was supposed to set me
right on my Headphonitis. It didn't.
I couldn't agree more.
Unfortunately, where I'm living at the moment doesn't allow instruments to be played so the only way I can practice is through headphones.
I dislike them so much I actually stopped playing. For months. The longest I'd laid off since I was 15.
But recently I realized that if I didn't start playing again my chops would deteriorate significantly so I started practicing again a few weeks ago using a crappy pair of headphones I had given to a friend who had been in the hospital and needed a pair to watch TV late at night.
They're fine for that but suck for playing music so I'm looking for something better but don't want to pay hundreds for something I'll only use sporadically once I move in a month or so.
Necessity is a mother.