Uhmmmmm.... thanks. I understand the reasoning and logic pretty well.
I am just saying treatment is not always necessary, never has been, and that more great music has, arguably, been made
without it than with it. There's a million reasons NOT to do something. Should I enjoy music less because I am getting a
build up at 160Hz in the room where I am listening to music in??
For me, allowing details to become obstacles..... or insinuating that you need to do A,B,C.... X,Y, and Z before you are deemed
worthy to create by the latest gatekeepers---who are deeming to the world what is and is not acceptable---is never something
I have been into.
Oh, and pretty sure audiophiling is one of the worst of all possible ways to live life.
I'd rather enjoy, live, and appreciate than
chronically overanalyze everything I hear, or think I hear in the music, but is coming from the room the music is in.
Do love some strategically dampened reflections and bass traps, though.