Help the swede with stupid questions!

the swede

Let’s say we have a pedalboard, with a few pedals. there’s an Iridum or similar pedal at the end.

Let’s imagine we want the exact same possibilities that a HX stomp has regarding recording/monitoring/reamping.

In other words, play and record the pedalboard while at the same time recording a di track for use later.

I’m assuming we need several stuff for this.

Does it require audio interface, Di box and reamp box thingy? All of those?

I get audio interface is vital… I’m not dumb… but all the other stuff?

The outputs (one of them) from the audio interface could be sent back into the pedals?
If you get an audio interface with two instrument inputs or at least one with a mic/line input it should be as easy as adding an an aby switch at the beginning of your pedal chain and running one out straight to your interface and the other to your pedals. If you might even be able to send a dry signal from your tuner or similar if it has an extra output.
If you get an audio interface with two instrument inputs or at least one with a mic/line input it should be as easy as adding an an aby switch at the beginning of your pedal chain and running one out straight to your interface and the other to your pedals. If you might even be able to send a dry signal from your tuner or similar if it has an extra output.
Any Boss tuner would do that I think! Thanks for that tip!

But ok. So it would require a 2in interface…

How about the re-amp part?

I guess the interface would send a line level on its outputs. So we take that and plug into the Boss tuner or alternatively a buffered splitter. But the line level signal, isn’t that “wrong” to send into pedals?
Sorry missed the reamp part - yes for that you'd need a reamp box to cut the line level signal back down to instrument level. This is where the value of the HX Stomp shines - it handles all of this plus has all the sounds right in the box :cool: So instead of spending $100-200 on an interface and $100-200 on a reamp box put it towards a used Stomp! ;)
Sorry missed the reamp part - yes for that you'd need a reamp box to cut the line level signal back down to instrument level. This is where the value of the HX Stomp shines - it handles all of this plus has all the sounds right in the box :cool: So instead of spending $100-200 on an interface and $100-200 on a reamp box put it towards a used Stomp! ;)
Seems there’s no way out of it, no escaping the Stomp :rofl
And yeah… all this is why it’s so good to have it.

2in interface.
Tuner or splitbox.
Reamp box.
Amp modeling pedal.

All that shit is basically a HX stomp…. Fuck.
Or a Pod go because the fx loop…. But I don’t want to get a pod go.

Maybe I should look at something like the Apollo Solo instead of the stomp? It has built in amps right? I’d still need a split and reamp box though… damn
Fwiw, you don't necessarily need a reamping box. Taking care of the level often is sufficient.
But a Stomp is in fact a nice way to get you going.
Is it just level? I thought there was an impedance thing too that the reamp box handles.
Is it just level? I thought there was an impedance thing too that the reamp box handles.

Well, thing is, when you reamp, it's not your original guitar signal hitting the amp anymore anyway. The guitar signal has already passed a buffered circuit and hence "interacted" with it. So I'm not sure whether converting your line output to a high impedance pseudo-authentic guitar signal will really make that much of a difference. I remember "testing" a Radial reamping box way back and didn't seem to notice much differences, if at all. But I gotta admit that it was a very unscientific test.
Let’s say we have a pedalboard, with a few pedals. there’s an Iridum or similar pedal at the end.

Let’s imagine we want the exact same possibilities that a HX stomp has regarding recording/monitoring/reamping.

In other words, play and record the pedalboard while at the same time recording a di track for use later.

I’m assuming we need several stuff for this.

Does it require audio interface, Di box and reamp box thingy? All of those?

I get audio interface is vital… I’m not dumb… but all the other stuff?

The outputs (one of them) from the audio interface could be sent back into the pedals?
You could also do all of this with the Stomp -- plug into Stomp, run it out to pedals via the effects loop, and then come back into the Stomp via effects loop and now you're recording DI and pedal-processed sounds. You can choose to add some processing from the Stomp or not, but signal flow it is an all-in-one solution with a known-quantity very good guitar input and probably doesn't cost any/much more than any other solution.
You could also do all of this with the Stomp -- plug into Stomp, run it out to pedals via the effects loop, and then come back into the Stomp via effects loop and now you're recording DI and pedal-processed sounds. You can choose to add some processing from the Stomp or not, but signal flow it is an all-in-one solution with a known-quantity very good guitar input and probably doesn't cost any/much more than any other solution.
I know. Because I’ve had the Stomp two times. I’m doing my best to avoid modelers now, going back to basics kinda.

I don’t want the option paralysis, rabbit holes, tweaking habits, thinking about next products and whatever. All these things is personal issues that I couldn’t overcome. It’s not supposed to be like that.

So yeah. I do understand that the absolutely best and optimal/economical solution would be using the Stomp again… as an audio interface/hub for all recording and reamping. It solves a whole truckload of shit I need to get.

The important question will then be if I psychologically can handle owning a stomp again, thinking of it in that purpose alone.

It would’ve helped if it didn’t have switches at all haha.

You see. I don’t think I can hide from my own issues if I’d get a stomp again… it will be so tempting to get into old habits again.

It’s a dilemma…
I know. Because I’ve had the Stomp two times. I’m doing my best to avoid modelers now, going back to basics kinda.

I don’t want the option paralysis, rabbit holes, tweaking habits, thinking about next products and whatever. All these things is personal issues that I couldn’t overcome. It’s not supposed to be like that.

So yeah. I do understand that the absolutely best and optimal/economical solution would be using the Stomp again… as an audio interface/hub for all recording and reamping. It solves a whole truckload of shit I need to get.

The important question will then be if I psychologically can handle owning a stomp again, thinking of it in that purpose alone.

It would’ve helped if it didn’t have switches at all haha.

You see. I don’t think I can hide from my own issues if I’d get a stomp again… it will be so tempting to get into old habits again.

It’s a dilemma…
To me, if you're wanting to reamp, you've already opened Pandora's Box of option paralysis. The mindset of "I'll capture a DI just in case..." is the devils work.
To me, if you're wanting to reamp, you've already opened Pandora's Box of option paralysis. The mindset of "I'll capture a DI just in case..." is the devils work.

Yep. Even with plugins (reamping in the box, effectively) I always would record a direct signal, and spend hours on end tweaking and re-tweaking Helix Native, thinking "well that sounds good, but what if I try this?". Instead of spending time working on the song itself, I'd just play with the guitar sounds instead.

Now I like taking the signal off of my Synergy module -> Amped 1 direct out with no cab sim, using a York IR in the DAW. The problem is i start playing with the IRs... But that is a whole lot less variables than the whole amplifier chain.

Unfortunately i still don't get any recording done. But that's life circumstances at the moment.
To me, if you're wanting to reamp, you've already opened Pandora's Box of option paralysis. The mindset of "I'll capture a DI just in case..." is the devils work.
True man… very true, and very likely i will get caught in some ocd behavior with that to, because how I am. Apparently.

A true… maybe I shouldn’t go into all this again thinking I should replace every single function the Stomp had.
If I’m going the easy less options road, I should commit to that and ride along.
Now I like taking the signal off of my Synergy module -> Amped 1 direct out with no cab sim, using a York IR in the DAW. The problem is i start playing with the IRs... But that is a whole lot less variables than the whole amplifier chain.
oh gawd no, I’m definitely not going down that place again. My goal is to use something that either makes it to cumbersome to fiddle with IR, or doesn’t have the option to even do so.
That’s why I’m really trying my best not to end up in HX land again.

I’ve received suggestions like that though, to add IR in daw after the (imagined future) pedalboard. But honestly I’d rather just have it done pre daw. There will be enough messing around in the daw anyway.
I don’t want the option paralysis, rabbit holes, tweaking habits, thinking about next products and whatever.

Question (possibly a pretty important one): Will you be doing all your playing in front of the computer? For me, when not playing live, it's pretty much all the time like that. And in case I want to play, say, in the garden, I'm using an acoustic.
Question (possibly a pretty important one): Will you be doing all your playing in front of the computer?
no.. I feel that I need to get away from that to. As a homeplayer that tends to become a habit. Especially when one starts to use modelers. Fact is that during all my years with Stomp I was playing it through HX Edit. As good as it is, it also was a part of my problem.

I think it’s better for me to use the computer only as a recording tool.
So, how do you think you should amplify things? Small combo? ""FRFR"" cab? Boombox? Studio monitors?
Primarily headphones (HD600) and if the room in the basement gets a paint job (can’t stand what my wife did there last year… it’s like… nasty… a strange pastel pink/red color) I may unpack my Presonus Eris 5” monitors.
Point is… I have bits and pieces, a few pedals. But as for now, nothing “amp” like to play. Think I’ll go for a amp pedal of some sorts.