N(B)PD Menatone the king


*I did not get any money from anyone for this post. I am not trying to promote a product or a brand.*

So I visited my friend and also her dad on Christmas like I do every year. He is an amazing player, and has a small collection of amps, reverb tanks, guitars and pedals. He usually plays acoustic guitars.

He asked me what I like. I told him I like most kinds of music. However, I don't like anything with too much gain. We browsed through his rack of pedals, and he let me borrow "Menatone: The king". He said I could keep it upto new year's eve. He did make me send a pic of my (single port) power adapter before I used it to power this pedal at my home. He also warned me not to daisy chain this pedal with any other pedal.

I play a hardtail strat with HSS pickups. My amp is a small 5 watt supro.

I have set my amp clean-ish. With some advice from him, I have set the pedal to Vintage/ 60s setting. When I activate the pedal, it feels almost as if I am playing through a real (moderate gain) amp and not a pedal. It is reacting dynamically to my picking. I have set the High's at 9'o clock, Mids at 8'o clock and Lows at 4'o clock. I specially like the lows.

However, if I turn the drive knob past 1'o clock I am losing articulation. I never use so much gain, so it's not an issue for me. I had a talk regarding this with him over a phone call, and he told me that it may sound better if powered by a better, although expensive power supply like the one he has (cloks, if I remember right).

It has dip switches on the inside to "match" it to your amp. It's an expensive and borrowed pedal, and I am scared of damaging it. So I am not gonna open and match it to my amp, before returning it. It is an honor to play such a pedal.

I had thought of uploading audio samples, but I use a crappy old phone. This pedal deserves to be recorded through a good interface/ microphone which unfortunately I don't have. Pic is from their website.



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@newpedals Has this experience inspired you to experiement some more with drive pedals or are you happy with your amp as is?

I play guitar and sing covers for a living @ bar gigs. So I find it difficult to incorporate more than a few pedals on my board. I am happy with my amp as is.

My current board is TU-3 > MD-2 > SD-1

If I only had to play lead guitar and had the money for it, I would have atleast one Marshall Amp Sim pedal and also a Vox Amp sim pedal.
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Does it seem to make you want to try a new pedal? A Marshall In A Box? :idk

I have been told that this The king pedal can simulate lower gain Marshall amps, while most other pedals are based on higher gain Marshalls.

If I run into a backline amp with an unpleasant overdrive channel, I usually use the MD-2 on my board. I would have liked to replace it with an OD-1X because I saw a guy try it in a store when I purchased new strings. But prices for even a used one seemed high. Maybe in the new year, I will put some money aside and get an OD-1X. I really loved the "edge of break up" sounds I heard.