Helix Floor @ $1399 or HX Stomp + Pedals

wharf rat

So I have an HX Stomp and an H90. The other day I pre-ordered the Meris LVX and MercuryX and am waiting to come in.

It dawned on me, though, that my current setup is ~$2k and I could have a Helix Floor at their current sale price of $1399, and maybe less if I sweet-talk my Sweetwater Sales guy.

So, I submit myself to you all; what do you think of that scenario? Do the H90 and Meris duo do something completely different than what the Floor could do by itself?
Honestly, my main consideration would be size+weight. A Stomp with a couple pedals can be arranged to be quite more compact than a Floor Helix.

Other than that, i'd personally go for the Floor.
You’ll have everything in the Floor. And way less cables and stuff. Presets, snapshots on switches… both at the same time. Individual effects on switches mixed with presets or snaphots… it really is a 100% in the box solution. But I doubt you can replicate everything the Eventide/Meris pedals can do. There’s a lot of great reverbs and delays in Helix though.

But a Stomp will always be modular. Adaptable.

“Never sell your Stomp”
Do the H90 and Meris duo do something completely different than what the Floor could do by itself?

Pretty much, at least from what I know. Especially true for the H90, its pitch based FX will run circles around anything in the HX-ecoverse.

Otoh, controlling things couldn't be easier than with a single HX Floor. And possibly a nightmare with the Stomp and two additional units, unless you plan to purchase a central MIDI controller as well.

So IMO it really depends on FX quality vs. ease of use. The latter might become even more relevant in case you plan to play that setup live. In that case, the Floor is tough to beat as it also sorts all your global EQ, DI-out and whatever needs.
If you want truly top shelf delay and reverb, the meris and eventide pedals combined will definitely beat the helix floor. Pitch stuff other than virtual capo stuff, eventide will win there too.

There are things both in helix floor and in the combined pedals that the other can’t do or can’t do easily. Which set matters more to you is just personal.

For a fun to use live tool that sounds great and can easily and quickly automate your switching for eliminating live tap dancing, helix floor is tough to beat. If the sonics are your biggest concern or super deep diving on intricate delay and reverb settings and sounds is, Meris and Eventide are gonna get the nod there.
