Solving the HX Stomp loop tone suck


I've been using the HX Stomp at gigs for quite a bit now, but I never felt comfortable running pedals in the loop, I was convinced it changed the tone. Check every setting, everything on instrument etc... It just changed how pedals sounded.

Got an ES5 and could do an interesting test.

Guitar > ES5 input > ES5 loop 1 S > HX input > HX Loop S > ES5 Loop1 R > ES5 output > HX Loop Return > HX Output

That isolated the "first half" of the HX Stomp so I could turn it on and off, that way any pedal in another loop of the ES5 could be placed inside our outside the HX loop.

The only parameter available is the level, so I tried that. After a while I got convinced that boosting the send by 0.4db the pedals worked pretty much the same in or out the loop.

Couple of weeks ago I got a ToneX One and found out about the input trim stuff and how a few people were measuring the level with a multimeter. So I tried that. Nothing in the chain, output measured the same as the input, great. Add mono loop. Cable out of the send had a lower signal. +0.4db and it's very close. 0.5 was actually closer but a bit over. Connected the cable from loop send directly to the loop return, measured the output again and it's very close the the level at the input.

But I'm not that knowledgeable about how all this measuring goes and I could be doing something wrong. Would love if someone could check on their own device and if someone has already would love to hear what your findings are.

So far all I can say is that, if you think your HX Stomp loop sucks the tone a bit, try boosting it .4 .5db and see how it works for you. Worked for me.
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