Helix Dynamic Reverbs

Fwiw, I think the HX verbs are absolutely suitable for most live purposes. Sure, if you are into wild ambient stuff or very intimate things, you may need something else. But others than that, it does the job. For home noodling or recording, I have all the choices of my DAW.
I think for everything I need, so far, I am doing well with the ones onboard, but I normally use legacy room or legacy hall. I started the thread because I tried the new ones and wasn't sure what the dynamic part was, and given how much higher I needed to make the mix to hear them compared to legacy, I thought maybe it was a ducker
Big Sky has the following:

2x “Param”

On the Helix it’s pretty easy to just adjust the mix, decay, pre delay, and high cut to taste. If you find there’s too much modulation on the dynamic verbs just turn the modulation down or off and resave it as the default. I’d they are too bright or metallic turn down the high cut or damping to taste.

Honestly I like super basic stuff so a lot of times I just use the legacy ones.
If you want the cloud thing, put dynamic hall in a parallel path and run the signal going into the reverb through the vocal/chorale effect (voice box?). I didn’t discover this, saw it on YouTube somewhere. But it does that thing well enough.
Could I trouble you for a link to that video? Would be really interested to check it out. Always looking for inspiration on how to do these things as I know absolutely nothing about effects settings...
Here's a good article on feedback delay networks and their applicability for reverb:

Skimmed over it every bit as briefly as possible, but a lot of that seems to be represented in U-He's MFM2, which allows for pretty elaborated delay feedback networks (also offering some additional goodies, such as other FX that can be inserted in the delay feedback path).
Defenitely not for the faint hearted, but you can coax some very lush, pretty reverb-ish sounds out of it.
Which is why I sooo wish something like it would exist in hardware (and it's been one of the reasons I considered adding a laptop into my pedalboard scenario).
Fwiw, here's some MFM2 Reverbs, the rather lush kinda stuff (sorry, been a quick one, there's a tiny little pop when I dampened the strings before the last chord rang out completely, nothing dramatic, though):

That KIND OF reminds of the sound I was able to coax out of Atomic Amplifier's delay block at the 4 minute mark of this clip by controlling its diffusion parameter via expression pedal -- had to be careful not to send it into crazy uncontrollable feedback, but had a weird shimmery-but-not-shimmer sound:

That KIND OF reminds of the sound I was able to coax out of Atomic Amplifier's delay block at the 4 minute mark of this clip by controlling its diffusion parameter via expression pedal -- had to be careful not to send it into crazy uncontrollable feedback, but had a weird shimmery-but-not-shimmer sound:

Yeah, sounds pretty much as if there's a filter in the feedback path as well (which you can as well do in MFM2).

Seriously, MFM2 alone is a reason for me to think about possibly getting the smallest used Macbook Air and just use it as a spatial FX plugin host. With the GT-1000, latency is around 6ms, defenitely something not worth worrying about for mixed in FX, the MBA works perfectly fine when closed and I'd control everything relevant via TouchOSC, possibly using Mainstage as a host. Would be one single extra USB cable run and a closed MBA would also not be too much of a risk on stage.
For now, I don't see much of a need for more FX than I can already coax out of my system, but that might change one day.
(completely unrelated; digging up that old clip reminds me what a match-made-in-heaven my Bacchus Strat and the Atomic stuff was. That guitar sounds dark and muffled to me through nearly everything else now, and @AFKAEjay(retired) reported he found the Atomic super bright.)
Fwiw, here's some MFM2 Reverbs, the rather lush kinda stuff (sorry, been a quick one, there's a tiny little pop when I dampened the strings before the last chord rang out completely, nothing dramatic, though):

Where's the resonance around 32seconds coming from??

These sound quite resonant and metallic in a few places. Very cool sound, but not as smooth as something like ValhallaRoom. Definitely a notch above the Helix ones though IMO.
Apols for bump. But this article:

And this video:

And this video:

They explain very very well, a modern approach to making a high quality diffused and smooth reverb sound, without metallic ringing.
Apols for bump. But this article:

And this video:

And this video:

They explain very very well, a modern approach to making a high quality diffused and smooth reverb sound, without metallic ringing.

That's very similar to how our reverbs work. Our diffuser times are based on a different rule (hint: Fractals) and there's some trickery with matrix injection but the basics are similar. Hadamard for the decorrelation and Householder for the unitary feedback.