Why aren't digital hum eliminators a thing?

Yes I can turn 90 degrees to eliminate the hum

Yes I have full copper shielding in my single coil guitars

Yes I have noiseless pickups I swap in when I get tired of the hum

I still think there could be a really good digital hum eliminator for guitars. I mean 60 cycle hum is by definition a repeatable low frequency.
And it’s also really close to Bb and its octaves. So what happens when you remove or attenuate the frequency that has the offending hum? Or more apt your signal.
And I’m sure you’re an old codger too…
Not quite as old as dirt, but gettin' there. It sucks, but it beats the alternative.
”find Mecca”.
And if it’s because of other reasons then single coils check for ground issues.
Before a Showco system went on the road, we lashed up everything, snakes, console, outboard gear, power distro, power amps, and speakers, in the shop (actually a pretty big warehouse space), powered everything up, and checked the entire system to verify that it passed signal, had everything in the correct polarity, and was free of hum. That last part could take a minute, seeing as how there were dozens of AC-powered devices and interconnects and hundreds of feet of signal and power cabling. So yeah, I've had to hunt down a ground issue or twenty. :confused:
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I’ll be pedantic about it. Guessing it’s called gain staging for a reason…
And just because folks use the wrong term because marketing made it stick or worse forum culture really doesn’t make a point…
Tremol being vibrato on a guitar, vibrato being tremolo on a Fender amp, slaving being re-amping for just about every one.
Right with ya there. Language matters. Technical (and musical) terms have definitions. Incorrect use of those terms doesn't change their definitions.
... Again, I don't understand why we have technology that can cancel noise in real time for everything EXCEPT 50/60 cycle hum in guitars.
My uneducated guess is the 'noise' in your analogy is a seperate thing in the 'back ground noise' example and 60 cycle hum coming through your guitar amp is a change of state for the original signal the guitar produces. There is no additional signal being produced, it is changing the only signal into something you don't want. So the technology for ending background noise is not applicable. Wrong tool for the job.

I wonder if the way we deliver and design the uses for electric power has been left at the level of Edison but our modern devices have revealed one of many flaws in our failure to modernize the delivery and device design for end use application.

It's not the single coil pick up that is flawed it's the way we pour excess current all around us like farmers with buckets slopping the hogs because reworking the system is 'too expensive'. Until a few EMP detonations or hackers tear it down it is a low priority. And then they will be trying to fix it by candle light and lanterns!
MY ERNIE ball music man mm90 has some decent p90's with some kind of silent circuit in it...i have looked at it and dont know what it is but there is a micro dial on the whole unit pickup thing under the access plate..dont know what it does to turn it as never messed with it