Think about this for a minute. FYI, noise reduction has been a goal of DSP programming since at least the 1980s, likely earlier. I know, because I worked with an EE who had programmed DSP adaptive filters for machine-induced noise reduction during that time. He was at the time working on another use for adaptive filtering; I told him and our employer that it wouldn't end up working. I also told them why it wouldn't work and described the ultimate behavior of the system he was developing. It behaved exactly as I had predicted, and the project was eventually abandoned. Would have been great for everyone if it had worked, but there was no way it could.
Hum reduction/elimination has been a thing - a very high priority thing - ever since audio electronics were first powered by AC lines. (That's a lot longer than either of us has been alive, BTW.) Just ask all the engineers who worked on hum cancellation designs back in the day. Actually, you can't ask them, because they've all been dead for a long time. If "technology today" could indeed fulfil your fantasy, it would already be doing so and selling millions of units. It can't, and it ain't.