Hard Drives, Backups, And Other Ways Not To Lose Your Shit.

la szum

TGF Recording Artist
How are you all backing up your files for music creation? Do you? If not, why not? You crazy or sumfin?? :wat

Just curious about recommendations for backing up essential data, and maybe even how you route your
files, drives, and software. For instance, do you use an external HD just for saving your work, or do you also
run certain Plug-Ins/Files/Software off from an external HD?

Thanks! :beer
I use the little Samsung ss hardrives. 1-2TB a piece. i keep backups and working music files, and a handful of virtual instruments on them.
I have multiple redundant backups, but for general use I really like Backblaze. It automatically backs up everything, so if you screw something up you can retrieve an earlier version without any hassle.
I use the little Samsung ss hardrives. 1-2TB a piece. i keep backups and working music files, and a handful of virtual instruments on them.


How long does that amount of storage last?
ATM half automated. Need to connect external drives and start Carbon Copy Cloner (which I vastly prefer over Time Machine as it creates directly bootable drives) and tell it which drive to clone to which other drive. Not too time consuming but I need to remember doing it.
Audio project drive has an internal clone so that's done easier.

Will rethink everything as soon as I buy a new computer (hopefully rather soon, need to raise some funds).
I really need to get a couple hard drives. Everything is stored on my computers right now and I’ve definitely lost stuff in the past doing this. It’s just one of those things I never think to get.

How long does that amount of storage last?
Mine are the T5 versions, but looks like the T7's are much cheaper. Mine are still kicking and i haven't used them up yet. Space lasts depending on how big and how frequent you add to them. I don't do video so that helps.
I run a Windows loaded PC and have already used up my Cloud storage. Microsoft
is like "We'll sell you more for a monthly subscription fee."

I am like, "Time to buy an external SSD Hard Drive."
I need to get an external drive to back this stuff up, or some sort of cloud storage. (Or both)
Samsung T7 ordered.

Coincidentally, saw an episode of Homeskoolin' with Tom Buckovac in a Nashville
studio, as he was talking with an Engineer and Producer, and they both said it was
an industry standard. Backing your shit up was Priority No. 1. :idk

Good enough for Nashvegas, good enough for me.
External HD showed up today. I've never used an external HD before. Gonna pull up
some tutorials on YT tonight and see if I can figure it out. How hard can it be? :beer
I have two 8 tb drives that are redundant backups - and I have a 6tb Time Machine backup. All are Western Digital.
I'm very diligent about backing up -
Thanks, fret! Are all USB Cables created equal? I wonder.

Don’t know actually… I run a spendy one between the fractal and the laptop

My cable integrity testers …

All working data synced to Cloud. Cloud backed up to a NAS. Periodic manual backups to another NAS that then replicates to yet another one in a different location.