Boy bands weren't "bands".
And Hair Metal wasn't "metal".
"Hair Metal" is a term that was not used when the music it describes was in fashion. The term came much later, so, on it's face, it's a stupid term, and there were many different kinds of hard rock at that time. Hair and distorted guitars were the main things that tied them together.
For me, I grew up in the 80's and like actually playing guitar, so you know what my answer is
In all seriousness though, I didn't like the "glam" or so much of the hard pop/rock that was on the radio at the time, I was a Rush-head, and a 70's progressive rock fan, so I was more into more complex stuff that didn't center around chicks and partying, so, it was that late 80's early 90's stuff like Winger, Giant, Mr. Big, Extreme, Queensryche, King's X, etc, that I liked, along with all kinds of other rock, like Dan Reed Network, (look them up).
If you look past "Seventeen", even on Winger's first album, and especially on the following albums, you will find some interesting songs that are as about as far from Seventeen as you can get, especially lyrically.
Just like:
"Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello, how low
Hello, hello, hello"
Is probably not his best work, and he shouldn't be pigeon-holed by just those lyrics.
I also loved AIC, Soundgarden, and STP, but I don't consider them "Grunge" per se.