Do You Colour Your Hair/Beard?

I dyed my hair black to hide the grey like twice when I was around 20ish

Since then I just let it rip and accept the fact that I look like a fake Mexican Gandalf

You so need to change your Forum Moniker to Fake Mexican Gandalf.

In the past my hair's been brown, red, black, now it's invisible. 🤷
Beard is a nondescript shade of grey/white.
Yes, move along!
Funny I'm 58 and only gray above my ears so a little coloring looks natural and never takes al the gray away so I'm good
I know guys in their 40's who are not only all gray but opt to make the decision that makes them look 20 years older -grow a gray beard or goat :crazy
This is my previous band. Singer is 8 years older than me on guitar

I have zero interest in coloring my hair, punching holes in my body or having ink injected under my skin! I also do not wear jewelry but I dress well (t-shirts for me are at home, sporting activities and home depot runs). The only time my hair has been longer than 1/2 inch in the past 30 years was for the Harley Davidson 100th Anniversary in 2003. I grew a pony tail out for that event and when it was over, I had my childhood barber cut it off whole and it is still in my hair clipper bag to this day. I did go bald for a while (2006-2007), but I got sick of razoring my head because it took extra time that I did not want to spend on personal grooming. I call my hair style "high speed, low drag, low maintenance". No bad hair days (or all bad hair days if you want to call it that), very little time in the shower washing and rinsing hair, use my #2 clipper on the machine each time I cut the lawn (evert 3-4 weeks or so). IDGAF about my hair or how it looks, and if I do want some hair, I will buy a wig (or wear one of my GF's wigs) ;~)) Total salt and pepper on my head and facial hair. I don't want a beard because I always hated the itch in the first few weeks of growing one out.

Now my GF on the other hand, has her hair colored every 4 weeks (and pays a LOT of money for it). The colors have not changed in about 5 years now largely because she gets compliments EVERYWHERE we go. We can be in a parking lot walking to the car and someone will yell "Love your hair" from 50 feet away (and I know they ain't talkin' to me, though I sometimes still accept the compliment for a laugh). We went to a Cirque Du Soleil show this past Saturday and if my memory serves me correctly, she received 4 "I love your hair" compliments that day alone. It is almost like hanging with a rock star! Anyway, she will likely keep these colors (rust color with bright green bits scattered throughout) for the rest of her life because she loves the compliments and attention ;~)) I personally would rather blend into the ass fault (custom spelling intentional and reflective of my demeanor) which is why I am usually dressing Johnny Cash style color wise!
I think the world was better when we aged gracefully, or not so gracefully. :cheers

This whole thing with men and women in their 50s/60sw and beyond chasing
their 20 and 30 year old former self is borderline pathetic, and probably super
embarrassing for their children and grandchildren. :rofl

Put away the Sleeveless Shirt Gun Show and Bedazzled Jeans Pops! :grin
I let my daughter dye my hair black once in the 1990s Never again it looked like fur fabric .
I shaved it all off and have been totally white ever since .
Im going through a ZZTop faze and have a long white beard now .
My daughter keeps wanting to dye it some crazy colour but That’s not going to happen.😡
I let my daughter dye my hair black once in the 1990s Never again it looked like fur fabric .
I shaved it all off and have been totally white ever since .
Im going through a ZZTop faze and have a long white beard now .
My daughter keeps wanting to dye it some crazy colour but That’s not going to happen.😡

I once pranked a friend's mom by wearing a pink wig, tattoo sleeves and fake piercings. She was almost about to perform an exorcism after looking at me. This is when I took the wig, sleeves and the piercings on my face off. She calmed down. It was funny. Introverts can sometimes have fun too.

I haven't listened much to ZZ top but I love their music and the long white beards.
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